Revived... Once again!

It’s Ba-aa-ack!  And I desperately need your help!

That’s right! Literary Gold has been revived yet once again. This time it will serve a slightly different purpose than it did before.

See, I have a few friends and acquaintances that are authors. A few of them have approached me and asked me to help them with finding reviewers and promoting their books.

 Who am I to resist? I’m a bonafide book hoarder (with a library of over 13.5K books - according to Amazon) I think that qualifies me as a book hoarder.  I just can’t help it. I am constantly adding books to my library. And I read every single day.

So why do I need your help? 

Well… I’m trying to put together a street team to help with book blasts, blogger tours, and straight up reviewers - So even if you aren’t a blogger, you can most certainly help me out!

And honestly, there’s not much you need to do as far as the blasts and promotion - I’ll provide all the content for that, right down to the html that you only need to copy/paste into your blogs.  Not a blogger and still want to help promote?  Again - not a problem! I’ll provide links for you to share to your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.

As for Reviews - I’ll see that you get a copy of the book. You just need to read it and post an honest review on Amazon, GoodReads, and anywhere else that is feasible.

Sound like a plan? All you need to do is sign up for the Literary Gold Street Team and we’ll get started soon.    You can sign up here → Subscribe  or use the subscribe button above.   When you sign up, you are not obligating yourself to participation. When the actual promos and requests for reviews are posted, there will be an opportunity to obligate yourself for specific promos and reviews.

Are you in? Or are you Out?


  1. Great idea! How do I get my book on you list of reads it will be published in the next few weeks? I would love to participate with other reviews!

    1. Hi Holly!

      Sorry for the delay in responding. You can submit a request using this link If you would like us to do some promo work for you as well (blog posts & social Media Sharing), for now please indicate in the Blurb section (I'm still working on the Promo Request form)




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