#A2Z Book Tour: Golden Rainbow by Balaka Basu

Golden Rainbow
By Balaka Basu

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs

Year Published: 2018

Brief Description of the book:

Golden Rainbow is an interesting collection of 26 memoirs written as short stories. These are not heroic tales but ordinary stories of ordinary people; nevertheless, they are thought-provoking. Some of them will make you laugh out loud while others may make you cry. The stories are rich in emotion, empathy and compassion.They are deeply profound. Reading the short stories is like a visit to Kolkata and typical Bengali life. You will connect with so many characters from your own real life but with different names. The anecdotes are not just stories but also a smart commentary on the various aspects of society. Easy to read, they will directly appeal to anyone fond of short stories. This book is not just a one-time read. It gets better with each reading.

Excerpt / Quote:

‘I was a golden bird inside a golden cage, now I have wings to fly’

Link to buy the book (Amazon.IN)
Link to buy the book (Amazon.US)

Author Q&A

Why did this author take part in the A to Z Challenge the year that your book was "given life"?  
I just wanted to blog regularly and write.

Why did this author start blogging?  
To give words to my emotions

As a reader, what most motivates you to buy a new book to read?
The blurb

Why should we read your book?
This book is a memoir yet it is not about me, it is about people whom I met in the course of my life. Each alphabet represent the first letter of someone's name on whom the story is written. These characters are the protagonists and not me. Each character is simple yet unique. I have written about people from all classes of the society, with different economic levels, different genders, different sexual orientation. I have tried to write them from a non judgmental point of view. Some of the stories are hilarious while others are sombre. I have tried to include even the apparently inconspicuous people like a street vendor or a homeless vagabond, people whom we often choose to ignore.

What is one question or discussion topic which you would like the readers of this post to answer or remark on in the blog comments?  
How they liked my style of writing

blog link:    https://trinalooksback.com/


  1. Thanks for being one of the bloggers in the First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!


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