#A2Z Book Tour: Wheels of Time by Nidhi GS

Wheels of Time
By Nidhi GS

Genre: Fiction, Fantasy

Year Published: 2018

Brief Description of the book:
These are 12 people, 12 tales and 12 months. Which says "When The Unexpected Leads to Expected."

(Review has been provided by Aura of Thoughts)

E-Book has 12 stories, and each story is backdrop is a particular month. Author has beautifully woven the stories around the months and essayed each character with the seasons is what I loved to the core.

All the short stories are heart warming and often will leave you teary eyes.

Many stories have after life talks between characters, which will make you, start questioning of the other world of souls.

Each character is marvelously carved and season as I mentioned plays a perfect role in the story.
The story that touched me exceptionally is ‘Solving Life’s puzzle’; author carefully spins the words around the puzzle that a reader get involved to solve it with character. This story will make you believe in the signals given by God.

Another story that amused me is story of Jason, titled in ‘Insane Angel’. Author speaks about guardian angels that protect the humans and how few of us just ignore the special power.

Every tale is speaks volumes and will make you ponder on many perspectives of life, time, belief, faith and never-ending wheel of karma.

Pick this book over leisure weekend and discover the spiritual and factual side of world. Dive into the positivity of the characters and you will surely have smile after reading it.

Author Q&A

Why did this author take part in the A to Z Challenge the year that your book was "given life"?   
to learn new ways of writing by reading experienced as well as new writers

Why did this author start blogging?   
to explore my passion of writing

Any other books coming out soon?   

What other books do you have available?    
short stories on Buddhism

Brief tip on writing:    
write from your heart

Where did the idea for this book come from, other than the alphabet and the challenge?   

What writing goal do you hope to accomplish this year?   
finishing one more short story book

As a reader, what most motivates you to buy a new book to read?
heart touching content

What is one question or discussion topic which you would like the readers of this post to answer or remark on in the blog comments?   
be honest

Link to buy the book:    https://www.theblogchatter.com/download/wheels-of-time-nidhi-garg/
blog link:    https://gratitude2wardslife.blog/
website link:    https://gratitude2wardslife.blog/
Twitter handle:    @nidgratefulsoul
Facebook:    https://www.facebook.com/buddhistoryteller
Goodreads author profile:    https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18112173.GS_Nidhi


  1. Thank you for such a lovely review....

  2. This sounds very interesting - I must explore it! Thanks for the enticing review.

  3. 12 stories for 12 months! Neat idea!

  4. Excellent review. Thanks for being a part of this.


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