Granny Bricks A Bandit by Julie Seedorf

I am golden. I am on a Gold website and what could be better than Literary Gold? My books are golden. And I am old and not gold, but you have to take what you get and today I am bold. My name is Hermiony Vidalia Criony Fiddlestadt Crickett better known as Granny.

I decided today I would take you on a tour of Fuchsia, MN, not to get confused with Brilliant, MN. We Fuchsians are brilliant, but in a different way.

We can start at my house. I live in a Victorian House that I have added on to. Silas lives in the new part of the house. Who said you have to share the same space when you are married? If we did that we would grouch each other to death. Have you ever heard of anyone dying of being grouched to death? It could happen in Fuchsia. We also built a house for our shysters across the street from our house. We have so many shysters and they like their space too. We have an over-the-street walkway to their house. The shyster’s house sits in the spot where Sally Katilda used to live; after Sally died Silas lived there until his house was blown up.

Mavis lives next door. She is one of my best friends. I have to watch over her and George, the neighbor who used to live next door to Mavis until he decided to hang his underwear on her flagpole instead. Mavis produces pretend reality shows. That means she pretends she is in a reality show. No one has a house like hers in the rest of Minnesota. You will see what I mean when you visit.

Down the street lives my son Thor, his wife, Heather, and my grandchildren, Angel and Herman. Angel is going to be just like me but don't tell her parents. We want to surprise them.

Some of my favorite haunts in Fuchsia are AbStract, our department store, Graves Funeral Home,
Rack’s Restaurant, Persnickity’s Bookstore run by my friend, Ditty Belle, and then there is Lulu’s Quilt Shop run by my friend Lulu.

I left the best for last and that is The Pink Percolator. Delight Delure is the owner and she perks up some interesting brews and has even named a few after me.

I discovered we have underground streets in Fuchsia. No one knew about them until I sleuth'd them out.

Things are hot and heavy right now in town. We have an election coming up. Mayor Helicort decided to resign and my brother wants to conservatize this town. Is that a word? Who cares, it fits what he is doing. I like to make up words and rhymes too.

My sister, who owns the Chocolate Factory, is building an amusement park like the one in the Mall of America. It was quite the adventure when I drove my lady friends up there. They didn’t think I could drive in traffic. I guess I fooled them.

And the Ecstatic Emporium has a new owner and she is turning it into an escape room adventure. I always liked escapism.

I forgot to introduce you to a few of my haunts such as We Save You Christian Church where my friend Henrietta is one of the pastors, The Next To The Last Resting Place (guess what that is) and the cemetery. I spend a lot of time in the cemetery. And no, I’m not dead yet so I will leave you to ponder that statement.

 I have to finish this visit. I hear my animals calling me.

That’s reminds me, I forgot some of the most important VIP’s in our community and that is my shysters. Come to Fuchsia and meet Fish, Little White Poodle, Tank, Furball, Baskerville, Mrs. Bleaty, Mr. PIgster and Radish. They have a story all their own and it’s furry.

Toodle Loo, life will always give you something new.


Granny Bricks A Bandit
(Fuchsia, Minnesota Series)
by Julie Seedorf

About the Book

Granny Bricks A Bandit (Fuchsia, Minnesota Series)

Cozy Mystery
6th in Series
Cozy Cat Press (February 18, 2019)
Paperback: 239 pages
ISBN-10: 194606372X
ISBN-13: 978-1946063724
Digital ASIN: B07P1J663L

Granny and her cohorts are at it again! When Granny and her neighbor Mavis, go water-skiing and discover a dead body, Granny’s sleuthing instincts take over! She is determined to identify the corpse and find the killer. But wait! No sooner are Granny and her cohorts on the murderer’s trail, then Mavis’ husband George suddenly disappears! Could he be the killer’s next victim? Or could he be the killer? When the gals take a side trip to the Mall of America, they find a man fell to his death on a climbing wall––and Mavis is certain she spots George nearby! What does it all mean? Will Granny get to the bottom of it, with the help of her entourage of buddies and pets?

About the Author

A Bit About Me As An Impassioned Writer

As human beings, we are always a work in progress. From birth to death we live, hurt, laugh, cry, feel, and with all of those emotions we grow as people, as family members, and as friends. I am a dreamer and feel blessed to have the opportunity in my writing to pass those dreams on to others. I believe you are never too old to dream and to turn those dreams into a creative endeavor. I live in rural Minnesota and I am a wife, mother, and grandmother.
I have worn many hats throughout my life such as working as a waitress, nursing home activities person, office manager and finally a computer repair person eventually owning my own computer sales and repair business. I never forgot my love of writing and quit my computer business in 2012 after signing a contract with Cozy Cat Press for Granny Hooks A Crook, the first book in my Fuchsia, Minnesota Series.
Adding four more books to the Fuchsia Series, adding a new Brilliant, Minnesota Series and writing a column for local newspapers feeds my writing creativity.
I also dabble a bit in watercolor painting and hope to eventually add pictures to my children’s book series, Granny’s In Trouble.
Oh, and did I tell you I like to be a little bit silly.

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  1. This looks like a fun series. Thanks for the contest.

  2. New series to me. Sounds like a fun read.

  3. This series sounds so funny! I love that it's "granny" solving the mysteries!


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