Squared Away by Alicia Dill

Squared Away
by Alicia Dill
Genre: Thriller 

Almost two years after she left the army and her best friend, Concepcion Chapa, Joells McCoy receives a cryptic voicemail from an Iraqi contact looking for Concepcion. When Joelle can't reach her “battle buddy”, she's told Concepcion died in a car accident, while working for the FBI.

But Joelle has questions and those questions launch her into the arms of an FBI agent – one of Concepcion's former colleagues – and a search for her friend that will bring her from small town Missouri, to Miami, and then on to Kosovo.

Over the course of a year, Joelle will search for her friend, with the help of Concepcion's former FBI colleagues, and try to come to terms with what their battle-tested friendship really means in her life. And why Concepcion would disappear without so much as a goodbye.

Absolutely amazing! It felt like I was back in country! Alicia captured the essence of what it is to be a female Soldier and the everlasting bond we develop with our sisters-in-arms! “
-First Sgt. Sara Maniscalco, Army Veteran, National Guard

Check out Alicia Dill's podcast interview with NPR!
On this hour of Talk of Iowa, Host Charity Nebbe and Dill discuss "Squared Away," Dill's first novel, which is inspired by her time in the military.

The author will also send a hand written post card to the first 10 people to show proof of purchase of Squared Away! Please email jess@mindbuckmedia.com !

ALICIA DILL spent six years as an Army soldier and globally published print journalist. She remains involved with many service members who continue to put their lives in harm's way throughout the world. It's because of that bond, the Missouri native wrote her debut novel in a series of untold stories of sisters in uniform. She joined the Army National Guard at the age of seventeen and received her degree in journalism and international studies at the University of Iowa. After her service, she was published by several weekly newspapers in Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois with over 75,000 readers. She continues writing in Iowa City, Iowa and enjoys traveling the world with her next book in mind.

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  1. I like how the cover was done with silhouettes and color.

  2. Perfect cover for this story line. Sounds like a great read

  3. Sounds great. Love the cover too.

  4. I like the cover, I finds the use of the silhouettes attractive. This looks like a good book to add to my summer's reading list.

    1. Please do, Deb! Thank you for supporting my book!

  5. Sounds like a great suspense and mystery!!


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