When Love Whispers by Laura Haley-McNeil

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When Love Whispers

Sometimes, love comes in packages.

As the top ranked student at Charleston’s military academy, Preston Lowe excels in class, in sports and with women. Only Willow Dockery, a barmaid at the city’s trendy nightclub, sees the pain in his eyes when he’s out with friends having a good time. But Willow doesn’t know how Preston inwardly struggles to forget a past that could derail the career he’s worked hard to achieve.

Willow wrestles with her own secrets. After a disastrous relationship leaves her broke and disillusioned, she vows never to let anyone rob her of her dreams again. But as she gets to know Preston, it’s as if their tumultuous pasts meld together into something so startling it transforms their relationship and their lives forever.

Read an Excerpt

She turned her sweet face to his. In her eyes was a softness that bordered on melancholy. A lock of hair fell across her cheek.

Without thinking, he slipped a finger beneath the lock and draped it behind her shoulder. His hand rested on her delicate frame, her warmth sending a flood of emotions through him.

She stilled, her lips parting. A soft gasp escaped.

“Oh, Willow,” he murmured, and the desire that ached inside him gushed forward.

He pushed his hand through hair soft as silk and cupped the back of her head. She didn’t pull away. She let him guide her face to his. The taste of her lips was sweet and lush. She melted against him, her firm, round stomach pressed into his. The urges deep inside him burst in confusing sensations he wouldn’t take time to understand. For one heady moment, her mouth softened, her hand clinging to his shirt. His mind darkened, pushing out all rational thought. He couldn’t explain his feelings. What gripped his chest crushed reasoning.

She pulled away.

His eyes flew open. He released her. She stood before him, trembling, her lips swollen and red. A sheen filled her eyes. He stared at her stunned. What had he done?

“Willow, I didn’t mean—”

“Don’t say it.” Holding up her hand, she closed her eyes and shook her head. “Maybe we should rethink—”

“If that’s what you want, then we will.” His words were rushed. “But I’ll set some ground rules right now and promise you this will never happen again.”

Something flickered in her eyes.

About the Author:
A native of California, Laura Haley-McNeil spent her youth studying ballet and piano, though her favorite pastime was curling up with a good book. Without a clue as to how to write a book, she knew one day she would.

After college, she segued into the corporate world, but she never forgot her love for the arts and served on the board of two community orchestras. Finally realizing that the book she’d dreamt of writing wouldn’t write itself, she planted herself in front of her computer. She now immerses herself in the lives and loves of her characters in her romantic suspense and her contemporary romance novels. Many years later, she lived her own romantic novel when she married her piano teacher, the love of her life.

Though she and husband have left warm California for cooler Colorado, they enjoy the outdoor life of hiking, bicycling, horseback riding and snow skiing. They satisfy their love of music by attending concerts and hanging out with their musician friends, but Laura still catches a few free moments when she can sneak off and read.

Amazon Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X58RKK1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LauraHaleyMcNeil/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurarmcneil
Website: http://laurahaleymcneil.com/
Email: Laura@laurahaleymcneil.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lauramcneil/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lchm4115/magical-world-of-reading
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/laura-haley-mcneil
Street Team: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2065326533795518

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Goddess Fish Promotions, for the hard work you do. I appreciate the opportunity to share When Love Whispers.

      Laura Haley-McNeil

  2. Another great book to discover. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

    1. Thank you, James. When Love Whispers is a very special book for me with precious characters who will live in my heart forever.

      Laura Haley-McNeil

  3. Great excerpt, and I love the very pretty cover.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Anita. I've wanted to write When Love Whispers for many years and was delighted when Preston and Willow introduced themselves to me and told me it was time to write their story.

      Laura Haley-McNeil

  4. Thank you for inviting me to share When Love Whispers with your readers. I'm delighted to be here and look forward to meeting everyone.

    Laura Haley-McNeil

  5. Pretty cover and interesting excerpt. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi, Debra! Thanks for stopping by. When Love Whispers was a fun book to write. Willow was the first character to make herself known to me. I knew she needed someone perfect and Preston was the guy. Their journey took me on wild ride that I won't soon forget. I hope you enjoy the book!

      Laura Haley-McNeil

  6. Replies
    1. Hello! Thanks for stopping by. When Love Whispers was a fun story with lots of twists and turns. Willow and Preston never had love on their minds, but when love whispers their exciting journey begins. I hope you enjoy the book!

      Laura Haley-McNeil

  7. It sounds like you reallyknow and care about your characters. Best wishes on the new release.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I hope you enjoy When Love Whispers.

      Laura Haley-McNeil


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