Whom Shall I Marry... An Earl or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes

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An afternoon spent in disguise leads to a passion that …

She wanted to explore the promise of his kiss. He wanted to persuade her to become his mistress. Will a case of mistaken identity lead to a marriage of love?

While trying to prevent her friend from a scandal Sophia Turlington becomes entangled in her own. As she waits for her friend in a brothel, a duke mistakes her for a harlot. When he requests an arrangement, Sophia decides to explore the passion he awakens in her soul. Her only stipulations for the affair are a mask, one week, and he must never discover her true identity. Can Sophia give him her heart and walk away as if their time never affected her?

Alexander Langley’s life as a prominent duke will soon come to an end unless he can acquire a duchess whose family can support him through a scandal. When he meets a violet-eyed temptress that awakens his every desire his search comes to a halt. As they explore their passion, he loses his heart to a woman he can never marry. Will Alex put aside his status in the ton for a love to last a lifetime?

Throughout the season Lady Sophia Turlington and Alexander Langley, the Duke of Sheffield’s dislike for one another is known to all. A chance encounter throws them together as Alex and ‘Violet’. After their time ends, Sophia wants Alex to see her for herself. If not, then she might as well accept her friend’s marriage proposal. Can Alex overcome Sophia’s deceit? Or will his need for revenge destroy the love she holds for him?

Whom Shall I Marry… An Earl or A Duke? is the second novel in Laura A. Barnes’s steamy historical romance series. If you enjoy a story filled with passion and secrets set in Regency England, then you must read Sophia and Alex’s journey toward love.

Unlock Whom Shall I Marry… An Earl or A Duke? to read the next book in Laura’s Tricking the Scoundrels series today.

Read an Excerpt

“Love, do you need to return home to your parents?”

“Mmm,” Sophia moaned into the pillow.


Sophia rolled over to regard Alex through her drowsy eyes. Disappointment flooded her when she saw him next to the bed, already dressed and ready to leave for the day.

“I must be off. I will have Belle arrange a carriage for your return home.”

“No bother, I shall reside here this week.”

“How will you explain this arrangement to your family? I do not wish for a scandal, my dear. While I love bedding you, I will not wed you. Do not think to trap me.”

And once again he was the arrogant duke she despised. He only considered himself and not others. Why Sophia loved him was beyond her. Her anger got the best of her as she unleashed her fury at his conceited ego.

“First, I will not have to explain this arrangement to my family, because an emergency at the family estate called for my parent’s attention. Second, there will be no scandal involving you or our time together. Third, while I love bedding you also, I do not believe I have even hinted at wanting to be married to an overbearing, egotistical ass such as yourself. Fourth, I have no intention of trapping you into anything but the use of your body for the remainder of the week. Furthermore, let me make myself clear, I am too good for the likes of you. One day a ring shall be placed upon my finger, but only by a man who deserves me, and that man is not you. Now, if you will be so kind, please leave my bedroom now.”

About the Author:
I am the author of The Romancing the Spies & The Tricking the Scoundrel Series. When I am not writing, I am spending time with my family. I love reading books on lazy afternoons and late into the night. Anytime really. Married twenty-nine years to the love of my life, we have three wonderful children and two sweet grandbabies. Besides writing, I have always wanted to travel. In the last few years, we have gotten our passports stamped in England, Scotland, and Ireland. We are hoping to add Italy to the list soon. My debut novel is Rescued By the Captain.

Website: http://www.lauraabarnes.com
Amazon: https://amazon.com/author/lauraabarnes
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16332844.Laura_A_Barnes
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Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/laura-a-barnes

Buy Links:

Universal Link: https://books2read.com/whomshallimarry
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RJNWJZY
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/whom-shall-i-marry-an-earl-or-a-duke-laura-a-barnes/1132399098
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/whom-shall-i-marry-an-earl-or-a-duke
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/whom-shall-i-marry-an-earl-or-a-duke/id1472087844
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/whom-shall-i-marry-an-earl-or-a-duke-tricking-the-scoundrels-book-2-by-laura-a-barnes

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