A Compendium of Characters

A Compendium of Characters 
by Mason Bushell 
Genre: Short Stories, Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery, Adventure 

The world of imagination is a magical place filled with fantastical stories. Inside A Compendium of Characters you'll be drawn into myth, legend, and mystery on every page, and across various genres. You’ll meet aliens, vampires, angels, and maybe a ghost or two; discover stranded people, farmers with shotguns and people to save. There'll be romantic liaisons, fairytale frolics, and mysteries to solve! 

**Only .99 cents!!** 

Mason is a naturalist in every way and spends much of his time in the nature reserves by his home. His faithful dog Lucy is never too far away, especially when he is experimenting with the culinary arts. Mason loves a good mystery and dreams of opening a restaurant like the Workhouse soon.

$10 Amazon 

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  1. Thank you so much for featuring my book and being part of my tour.
    Regards Mason Bushell.

  2. Congratulations on your book! That colourful bubble on the cover looks like it holds something magical.

    1. Thank you so much, Denise. My friend Ashlie who created it said the bubble represents my brain as it creates homes for all the characters within my book. Hope you enjoy meeting them if you buy.

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