Murder at the Marlowe Club by Kate Parker

Murder at the Marlowe Club (The Milliner Mysteries)
by Kate Parker

About Murder at the Marlowe Club

Murder at the Marlowe Club (The Milliner Mysteries)
Historical Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Publisher: JDP Press (February 24, 2020)
Print Length: 209 pages
Digital ASIN: B083M97VWP
A corpse in a corset. A dangerous gambling den. A perilous path between safety and peril.
London, 1905. Leading milliner Emily Gates’ illegal shortcut through a private park in the rain brought her straight to a scantily clothed corpse. Then her route took her straight into the hands of the indefatigable Lady Kaldaire, who recognized the body as a relative of her longtime friend, the Duchess of Wallingford. Lady Kaldaire blackmailed Emily before to find Lord Kaldaire’s killer. Why not this murderer, too?
Emily has plenty of reasons why not, but finding links between her father’s nefarious family of crooks and conmen and the debauchery of the secretive Marlowe Club involves her in the investigation led by the handsome Inspector Russell of Scotland Yard. Emily discovers more than she expects about the licentious world of the corpse through her aristocratic customers, including Georgia, heroine of the Victorian Bookshop Mysteries, now the Duchess of Blackford.
Are the scandal rags correct, or has the victim been maligned by a mastermind who’ll stop at nothing to gain everything?
This is a historical cozy mystery with no graphic violence, sex, or foul language. Just exciting action, mysterious events, and surprising endings.

About Kate Parker

Kate Parker grew up reading her mother’s collection of mystery books and her father’s library of history and biography books. Now she can’t write a story that isn’t set in the past with a few decent corpses littered about.

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  1. This book was so good! This is a series I'm definitely going to be reading more of!

  2. This books looks like a fantastic read. Would love to read and review paperback/print format of this book. I love books likes this. Excerpt and book are great.
    Hope I win.

  3. I enjoyed the synopsis of the book. I love reading historical mysteries and this sounds like my kind of book.

  4. Oh, I love the time period, the mystery, and the promised twists and turns. This one sounds like a great story. The cover is nice too! Best wishes to the author on the new release.


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