All the Missing Pieces

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Julianna Keyes will be awarding a physical $25 Amazon GC, (US/Canada only) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Reese Carlisle hates her life. Three years after her father’s arrest for one of the largest embezzlement schemes in history, twenty million dollars is still missing, and the world believes she knows where it is.

Two years after her brother’s death, they still think she killed him.

One year later, she’s still hiding.

When the loneliness is too much, she seeks out strangers for one dark night, no questions asked. She makes up a name, puts on a disguise, and tries to forget.

One night she meets a new man. She tells him her name is Denise, she’s a dental assistant, and she loves dogs. He tells her she’s smart, she’s pretty, she’s funny. Things she hasn’t heard in too long.

Things that are too good to be true…

Read an Excerpt

My father’s appeal is coming up in three months. If it goes well, he could be walking out the front doors of the courthouse immediately after, leaving behind all that chicken ramen for Eddie B. and his prison friends. It should go well; I’ve been paying through the nose for his legal team. Not just his lawyer. His team. All of my dad’s money was confiscated when he was arrested, his assets sold to pay back some of the money he’d stolen. You’d think that would placate people, but not even close. Despite their best efforts, the FBI hasn’t been able to locate the last twenty million dollars, and the treasure hunters of the world—and more than a few lunatics—have been obsessed with it ever since. Because I’m the only Carlisle left to roam the planet, most people are convinced I have the money. Or, at the very least, if I don’t have it, I know where it is. If they knew where I lived, they’d see how stupid they are. But they can’t find me, so they’ll never know.

In the meantime, I’m funding this effort, pretending like everyone else that there’s a way out of the mess. That in three months my father’s name will be cleared and he’ll be free. That’s the tiny scrap of hope that stops me from stepping off the roof every day. Maybe, just maybe.

Because the sentencing wasn’t a surprise. My dad was guilty, after all. The first time I’d seen him after the arrest he’d told me as much. I would have sworn he was innocent until the day I died if he hadn’t whispered in my ear and made me believe.

About the Author

  Julianna Keyes is a Canadian writer who has lived on both coasts and several places in between. She’s been skydiving, bungee jumping and white water rafting, but nothing thrills—or terrifies—her as much as the blank page. She loves Chinese food, foreign languages, baseball and television, though not necessarily in that order, and writes sizzling stories with strong characters, plenty of conflict, and lots of making up.




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  1. Good morning, my question for you today is, would you ever consider co-authoring a book and if so, who would you most like to work with?

  2. Good morning, and thank you for being part of the tour!

    @Bea - Good morning! And I'd love to write with either Cara McKenna (assuming she writes again - I miss her) or Tamara Morgan/Tamara Berry - I adore her Penelope Blue series and I'm a huge fan of her new cozy mysteries. Her writing voice is fun and smart and I think we'd get along. :)

    1. Thank you so much for your response to my query.


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