

Knight Attack Book 1
by MLJ Quigg
Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Rock royalty.

That’s what people call me.
But all it took was a single phone call to bring me to my knees.

Five years later, my life has changed irrevocably forever.
Though someone lurks in the shadows threatening to tear all that I love apart.
An obsession of the worst kind.

Can I keep the woman I love safe?
Or will everything burn to ash…

MLJ lives in NSW, Australia, with her husband, three adult children, and six cats—yes, you heard that right, six.
Growing up in a huge family of eight kids was always noisy and didn’t give her enough alone time to unwind.
Books have always given her an outlet from the craziness that is her life. Nothing is better than curling up with a good story to take her mind off her surroundings.
As a new author, she hopes you enjoy her stories and that they help you get out of your world and into hers for a few hours.

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  1. The Thorny Devils MC Book Series is waiting for me to start reading this weekend.


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