Life in Increments


High Middle-Grade/YA

Published Date: 9-22-20

Publisher: INtense Publications LLC

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Meet Philihp. He’s in middle school, and he’s in love with Auburn Brown. He doesn’t know how to talk to anyone about it, not even his cousin Graham, with whom he shares movie quotes and other obsessions. But no matter. Philip comes to know, as certainly as anyone can know anything, that destiny, fate, cosmic powers, the universe--they’ll bring him and Auburn together in the end. All he has to do is pay attention to life’s patterns, to live his life in manageable, predictable, proper increments, and the world will reward him.

Meet Auburn. She’s a talented soccer player, a loving sister and daughter. She has very little idea Philihp exists. She’s busy adjusting to a new school, worrying about her brother, and trying to figure out who she’s supposed to be when everything she ever knew feels uncertain

This is a love story. A true love story, in the ways that truth and love matter most. There are loving families here. Loving friends. Philihp and Auburn live in the same great big scary beautiful world you do. A world that may or may not be predictable or fair but is full of love if you look and listen for it. When all is said and done, this just might be a story about romantic love, too. You’ll have to read to find out.



About the Author

Andy Hueller is the author of Dizzy Fantastic and Her Flying Bicycle, Skipping Stones at the Center of the Earth, How I Got Rich Writing C Papers, and other books for children and young adults. He lives and teaches in Minnesota’s Twin Cities. He happens to be impossibly lucky. The universe has gifted to him an outrageously wonderful family, its best job (teaching middle-school English), and, through his books, opportunities to tell stories even to people he’s never met. You can learn more about Andy at


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