


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Bryon Vaughn will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Where can you run when there is no place to hide?

Brenna Patrick is a brilliant technologist specializing in neural-cognitive functions and AI. She has cracked the code to solve one of the most troublesome problems in the field, and turned that into the multi-billion dollar NeuralTech Corporation.

Working quietly with the U.S. Department of Defense, NeuralTech is poised to leapfrog the competition with a revolutionary system for tracking people, starting with the world’s most wanted terrorists. But there are only so many terrorists in the world, so who’s next?

When a pair of Columbia graduate students, Jenny and Leo, stumble on the dark secret of NeuralTech’s success, it kicks off a tense game of cat and mouse. As they fight to defeat the powerful forces arrayed against them, nothing less than the fate of humanity hangs in the balance…

NEUROGARDEN is a roller-coaster ride of a thriller, one that will have readers pondering the nature of memory, and of reality, long after they've read the last page.

Read An Excerpt

 In a lonely pod on the 77th floor, Jenny floated. The only indication of life was a slow, rhythmic sway as the blue feeding solution swirled through the chamber, pushing through her body and out into the next in the chain. Her eyes closed to the world around her, a world she could no longer sense or interact with in any tangible way. Her body was there, but her mind had joined the others, and despite her ongoing confusion, she was now a resident of The Garden. 
Her connection to the others came in ebbs and flows, their memories, their thoughts crashed into her own like waves on a distant, rocky shore, smashing at each other in an indiscernible mashup of sensation. In a moment of clarity, she wrapped her mind around her situation, how she had wrestled to free herself, the needle had plunged into her arm, the slow, sweet descent into slumber. Though the silent lucidity was fleeting, chased away, replaced by another barrage of brainwaves from the others.
Somewhere in the melange, the chaotic furor of a thousand minds, there was a single voice, some kind of controlling singularity. Commanding attention, its words marshalled the disparate collective of thoughts, ever so briefly, into a cohesive direction. 
--Welcome to The Garden. 
"Who are you? Where is this place? Why am I here?"
--Time for that later. First, you must learn the rules.

 About The Author

Ever since reading Douglas Adams back in my formative years, I have had an interesting relationship with humor, science fiction, and technology. My first computer was a TI-99/4A, so yeah, I’m old, but only until scientists have cracked the code on transplanting our brains into shiny new vessels.

My body may be showing signs of wear, but I’m keeping my brain tight.

When I am not dreaming of far off worlds and writing, I am living a semi-normal life working in New York City, and watching movies with my wife and her spastic cat, Moss.

Relevant Links
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Amazon Buy Link:
The author will award a $50 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via rafflecopter. Be sure to click the Tour Banner above to visit other tour participants and increase your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good morning. Your book cover is eye-catching...did you design it yourself? Thank you for having the book in KU by the way, I have it in my queue and hope to start reading soon.

    1. Hi there!
      Yes, the cover design is all me.
      KU is a great way to read lots of new books. As a first time author, I want as many people as possible to read it, and hopefully you will let me know what you think.

    2. Yes I will. As an author myself, I do post reviews but I'm sad to say that I'm woefully behind at the moment. I went through this phase where I finished reading a book and started anther right I'm playing catch-up to get those reviews posted

  2. Such an attention getting cover. Caught my eye.

    1. Thanks so much! It is my design, though I was inspired by a number of similar covers. If you read the story, you will discover the significance of the cover. It ties in very well.

  3. I love the cover. The graphics and colors are great.

    1. Thanks! I love how many people are digging the cover.

  4. Thanks again for hosting!

    In case anybody is interested, check out the trailer for the book here:

  5. Interesting cover. I like the thriller genre. Thanks for the chance.

    1. I totally set out to write a straight-up science fiction novel, but sometimes stories have their own way of breaking free of the author's original design, and it turned into a sci-fi techno-thriller hybrid.

  6. I encourage reading so having a family who loves to read I sure support.Thanks for sharing your terrific read with us.


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