Broadcast 4 Murder
Broadcast 4 Murder (Sophie Kimball Mystery)
by J.C. Eaton
About Broadcast 4 Murder
Broadcast 4 Murder (Sophie Kimball Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
7th in Series
Publisher: Kensington (October 27, 2020)
Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages
ISBN-10: 1496724569
ISBN-13: 978-1496724564
Digital ASIN: B085LTC8Y2
All of Arizona’s Sun City West heard Sophie “Phee” Kimball’s mom scream bloody murder, but it’s up to the reluctant sleuth to find the killer . . .
Phee’s mother Harriet is going to be a star! At least, that’s how the Sun City West retiree describes her chance to host a live radio program of her book club’s Booked 4 Murder Mystery Hour on Arizona’s KSCW. But instead of chatting about charming cozies, Harriet ends up screaming bloody murder over the airwaves after discovering the body of Howard Buell, the station’s programming director, in a closet—with a pair of sewing shears shoved into his chest.
The number one suspect is Howard’s ex-girlfriend Sylvia Strattlemeyer who believed she was going to host a sewing talk show before Harriet was offered the spot. But not only do the fingerprints found on the scissors not match Sylvia’s, they belong to a woman who passed away twenty years ago at the age of ninety-seven. Now, with the whole town on pins and needles, it’s up to Phee to stitch together enough clues from the past to uncover the identity of a killer in the present . . .
Why Murder Mysteries? Can’t We Just Talk About Fish?
By Character Paul Schmidt from Broadcast 4 Murder
Mysteries, mysteries, that’s all those women ever talk about. And believe me, they talk. Cozy mysteries, Gothic mysteries, hard-boiled mysteries (which by the way have nothing to do with eggs), and traditional mysteries. It never stops and neither do they. You’re probably wondering why I got stuck listening to them so here goes:
I’m Paul Schmidt, super angler and trout fishing expert in the state of Arizona. When I’m not out on one of Arizona’s lakes at the crack of dawn, I’m usually working on my script for the Lake Fishing with Paul radio show on local station KSCW in our retirement community of Sun City West, Arizona. That’s how I came to be acquainted with the BOOKED 4 MURDER book club ladies, specifically Harriet Plunkett and Myrna Mittleson, who host their own murder mystery show.
If the truth be told, their show is probably one quarter murder mystery discussion and three-quarters whatever gossip they can dredge up. A while back there was a scheduling mix-up that turned into a kerfuffle. It resulted in me having to share monthly airtime with those women, forcing us to meet ahead of time for program planning. Hah! How can anyone plan with all those mouths running?
We meet at Bagels ‘N More, a local restaurant that’s known to spread scuttlebutt faster than butter on toast. Unfortunately, none of those women seem to be interested in fish, unless they’re broiled, baked, fried, or pickled. And don’t get me started on bait. I’m lucky Myrna didn’t ram a bagel in my mouth the last time I broached the subject.
“I don’t know why we can’t have a segment on bait as it pertains to those mysteries you all read,” I said.
“EW!” Myrna shrieked. “I don’t recall a single mystery that mentioned bait.”
I wasn’t about to be dissuaded. “What about worms? Any mysteries spring to mind? Then there’s grubs, dry flies, roe, and maggots. Hmm, maybe one of those mysteries of yours had a decomposing body with maggots on it. We could segue into that topic.”
Harriet didn’t stand for any of it. “We’re not segueing into dead maggots. This month we’re focusing on cozy mysteries with cooking and bakeshop themes. We’re even going to share recipes with our listeners.”
“Recipes?” I all but shouted from the rafters. “I’ve got the perfect recipe for trout bait. You mix flour with water and add cod liver oil and anise. The licorice makes the fish go nuts. Roll it into little balls and you’re all set.”
“That’s horrible,” Myrna said. “No one wants a recipe for trout bait.”
“Well, what about catfish bait? It’s basically the same thing but works best with rotten cheeses and old chicken livers.”
“No bait recipes!” The women were adamant. “Unless you can find us a murder mystery that mentions bait, the topic is off the table.”
“Fine! I’ll do just that!”
Those women may have had the upper hand when it came to discussing whodunits, but I knew how to use Google search and I wasn’t about to give up. The next time we met at Bagels ‘N More, I was prepared. I slapped a copy of a famous mystery on the table, leaned back and smiled. “Meet Hamish Macbeth,” I said. “He poaches salmon and if I’m not mistaken, bait is mentioned more than once.”
If only I could have snapped a photo of the look on their faces.
“Aragh! Looks like he reeled us in, Harriet,” Myrna said.
“Hook, line, and sinker. Or should it be stinker if that catfish recipe goes on our show?”
“Guess it’s all settled, huh?”
The BOOKED 4 MURDER book club ladies had no choice and the topic of bait took over the airwaves. Sometimes, you just have to be persistent.
About J.C. Eaton
J.C. Eaton is the wife and husband team of Ann I. Goldfarb and James E. Clapp, authors of the Sophie Kimball Mystery Series and the Wine Trail Mysteries. A New York native and former middle school principal, Ann has published eight award-winning and highly acclaimed YA time travel mysteries. James is a U.S. Navy veteran and retired tasting room manager for a large upscale New York winery. Visit their Website at –This text refers to the mass_market edition.
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