Goddess in Time


Goddess in Time
Women of Time Collection Book 1
by Adriadne LeFox
Genre: Historical Fantasy, Time Travel 

Myths and Legends have always inspired me. I especially love the King Arthur legends. The knights, ladies, valor, chivalry, and trust between them. I have never been one to trust easily, but with these legends, I feel like I am a part of their world somehow. As a college student, I chose to study these myths and legends because I want to find out if they are real or not.

So my journey began, by traveling to England. I have heard there is a professor there who has found the remains of what used to be Arthur's castle. What I actually find when I get there is more than just the remains of a castle, it is the start of a new adventure.

In a land of myth and magic, what awaits me is more than I could have ever imagined...

Adriadne/Sybella is a mom of two little heathens and 2 furry cats where she lives in Oregon where she started her writing hobby at 11. When she isn't writing, she is hiking the many trails, visiting graveyards, and plotting death and dismemberment.

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  1. Time Travel stories are fascinating. Very much a case of what if...

  2. I love covers with strong women on them.

  3. I love the legend of King Arthur stories and time travel... this sound like it could be a fascinating read!


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