Life with Ollie



This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Donna Bourgeois will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Life with Ollie:
The story of an only child of a single narcissistic parent

by Donna Bourgeois


GENRE: Memoir



If you are of dating age or married, I wrote this book for you.

This is not a self-help or a how-to book. This is the story of the metamorphosis of a timid, fear filled child who finally blossomed into a warrior. I have many scars that no one can see, but they are healed now. Through these battles to become a warrior, I have helped the wounded souls that have come to me and seen them overcome their demons to stand tall and proud of who they are. It has brought me great joy.

Through the years, I have heard along the way that the ancient Chinese would fix their broken china cups or figurines with gold to make them whole again, and more valuable. I believe that humans can be repaired with love and a sense of self-worth. Each and every one of us are here for a purpose and we are given gifts to help fulfill our purpose.

I would love for you to come on this journey with me.



Mom’s cruel and caustic remarks hurt me deeply and I began to doubt myself.

She had complete control over me. If I came up with an idea, she would always say, “Who put that in your head,” like I was unable to think properly and had to rely on others to do my thinking for me. I felt like a stupid nonentity. I was always being berated for not having more friends. I had about two really close friends, Anna and Lynda, and was happy with that. I have been like that all my life—she was never able to change that.

She said it wasn’t normal to have only a few friends, I should have lots of friends. I don’t know if she knew what a friend really is. There were lots of children I was acquainted with in elementary school.

I played basketball and volleyball and was a cheerleader. I wasn’t antisocial. After school, I preferred to be with my friends, and sometimes we would interact with others, but we preferred our own company.

I finished grade six, seven, and eight. Then I was going to high school. It was the same high school that my dad and uncle had gone to. I was so proud. I even had the same Latin teacher. Oh, he was a tarter! My uncle told me he remembered him hanging a student out of the second-floor window by his ankles until he promised he would not be disruptive anymore. Of course, he was too old when I got there to do anything physical to us, but he had a wicked tongue and could cut you to pieces with it.

Being mostly content at this point in my life, I was no longer terrified of my mother and had learned to dodge her barbs and insults in front of other people. I overheard her telling someone on the phone that she was giving me ballet lessons because I was so clumsy, but ballet was not helping so she was going to stop the lessons. (I was five foot seven at age twelve, all elbows and knees; I could trip over a pencil line.) I could not join the school band (they had given me a bugle) because my lips were already not very pretty and a bugle would make them worse. It still hurt but I had learned not to show my feelings. I no longer cried because I felt ashamed in front of other people. Crying was being a drama queen as far as my mother was concerned, and I would get lectured on how to be strong and learned not to cry over anything.

If I did cry, it was usually over the death of any living thing—be it a mouse or a bird or a pet. If I saw another person crying, I would hurt so much for them. I remember seeing a woman on the streetcar crying and became upset; I had tears in my eyes. My mother told me in no uncertain terms that it was none of my business and to stop getting upset over everything.

I would cry where no one could see me and, to this day, I cannot cry for myself— others, yes, but not for me.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Donna G. Bourgeois enjoys writing and painting, both excellent activities to soothe the soul. She went to university at 65-years-old and earned an associate degree in theology, just to keep the grey matter healthy.  She considers her greatest quality to be the ability to love greatly and be kind to those who life have put on her path.  Life with Ollie is her first book, although she has many more story ideas waiting in the wings. She believes if you listen to your inner voice, you will find your bliss.


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Donna Bourgeois will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The title says it all that's for sure. I do enjoy reading memoirs.

  2. I cover is interesting! I love the color!

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt, sounds like a good book.

  4. This memoir sounds like a great journey read.

  5. Great excerpt! Sounds like a heartfelt journey, thanks for sharing it with me!

  6. I love the cover, synopsis and excerpt,this sounds like a wonderful memoir. Thank you for sharing the book and author details.

  7. Sounds like a very interesting book.

  8. Great cover love to read the book too sounds wonderful .

  9. Thanks so much for both the book description and giveaway as well. I enjoy hearing about another good book.

  10. I love memoirs. This book sounds very interesting. Thanks!

  11. This sounds like a fantastic book. Thank you so much for sharing your story.


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