Tusk Justice


Tusk Justice:
A Cozy Mystery with a Tenacious Female Amateur Sleuth
(A Kenya Kanga Mystery)
by Victoria Tait

About Tusk Justice 

Tusk Justice:(A Kenya Kanga Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Publisher: Kanga Press (October 9, 2020)
Number of Pages App. 300
Digital ASIN: B08FXVFKK7

At a summit on poaching, the keynote is homicide. Can a veterinarian solve the case before she becomes an endangered species?

Kenya, 2016. Community vet and skilled sleuth ‘Mama’ Rose Hardie is passionate about saving elephants. As she runs her monthly clinic for the animals at the local resort, she plans to attend a conference on the issue with her ailing husband. But things turn sour when a world-renowned conservationist is found brutally stabbed to death.

With the authorities tied up in Nairobi, Rose sets out to bring the killer in herself. But with multiple suspects all hiding secrets and scandalous truths surrounding the victim, the culprit may be too slippery for the aged amateur detective to handle.

Can Rose trap the murderer before she ends up as the next target?

Tusk Justice is the second book in the thrilling Kenya Kanga Mysteries series. If you like quirky characters, lush African locales, and a love of animals, then you’ll adore Victoria Tait’s adventurous whodunit.

About Victoria Tait

Victoria Tait is the exciting new author of the Kenya Kanga Mystery series.  She’s drawn on 8 years living in rural Kenya, with her family, to write vivid and evocative descriptions.  Her readers feel the heat, taste the dryness, and smell the dust of Africa.  Her elderly amateur sleuth, “Mama Rose” Hardie is Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple reincarnated and living in Kenya.

Like all good military wives, Victoria follows the beat of the drum and has recently moved to war-scarred Sarajevo in Bosnia. She has two, fast-growing nearly teenage boys.  She enjoys horse riding and mountain biking but is apprehensive about learning to ski.  Victoria is looking forward to the sun, sand, and seafood of neighbouring Croatia when the world returns to normal.


A word from the author

The Inspiration For Tusk Justice

In 2016 I lived in Nanyuki, a small market town in Kenya where the Kenya Kanga Mystery series is located.  Many of my friends worked in either conservation or security and were very excited about the inaugural Giants Club Summit.  It was an event organised by the charity Space for Giants, to not only highlight the plight of the African Elephant, but bring together those who had the ability to make changes to protect the species.

Between 1900 and 2016 the number of elephants in Africa declined by a massive 97%, from over 10 million to only 350,000.  In Kenya there are only an estimated 26,000 although this has risen from a low of 16,000 in 1990.

The summit was held at the Mount Kenya Safari Club outside Nanyuki, in April 2016.  The aim was to bring together heads of state, senior business leaders and leading conservationists to secure a future for elephants and the habitats they rely on.  Three African Presidents attended:  President Kenyatta from Kenya, President Museveni from Uganda, and President Bongo from Gabon.  Senior representatives from Botswana were also present.  The opening address was given by President Kenyatta and American Deputy Secretary of State, Heather Higginbottom, read an address from President Obama.  

I was involved in the summit in a very minor role: I was asked to provide lunch for delegates at an outreach day in Ol Pejeta Conservancy.  At the time Ol Pejeta was the home to Sudan, the last male northern white Rhino and Ringo, and orphaned southern white rhino.  Sadly, both have died.

We set up tents in an enclosure and prepared food for 120-150 people.  The day was so successful for the organisers that they had double that number of delegates and staff, and we struggled to feed everyone.

Lunch for the Giants Club Summit at Ol Pejeta Conservancy

My staff and I were so busy that we missed British actress Liz Hurley:  known in the 1990s for being the girlfriend of Hugh Grant and wearing a dress held together by safety pins.  

At the end of the summit President Kenyatta set fire to 105 tonnes of confiscated ivory in Nairobi.  It was a huge statement and reinforced Kenya’s position against ivory poaching and smuggling.  The rise in the number of Kenyan elephants coincided with the first mass burning of ivory by Kenya President Moi, in 1989, and a ban on the international sale of ivory.

Kenya has been successful in enforcing this ban by confiscating nearly 200 kgs of raw ivory at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in 2010 and 2011. Poaching still continues and the elephant population remains under threat of extinction.

I hope Tusk Justice will highlight the plight of elephants, and of many other endangered animals in Africa and across the world.  The book opens with the rescue of an orphaned elephant on Mount Kenya.  Mama Rose provided the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust with assistance.  At the end of the book we visit the Sheldrick elephant orphanage in Nairobi.  Their program to rescue, care for and reintegrate orphan elephants into the wild is amazing.  They have helped 262 elephants to date as well as rhino, giraffes and a number of other orphaned animals.  If you stay in Nairobi, I recommend a visit to the orphanage.  If not, you can view their work at https://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/ 

The rafflecopter prize includes a year’s adoption of Roho, a 20-month-old male elephant being raised by the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.  He was rescued in October 2019, from Tsavo West National Park, when his mother was killed, most likely by poachers.

Author Links

You can find Victoria at https://www.victoriatait.com/ or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/VictoriaTait

Blog/News: https://victoriatait.com/news/

GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20373879.Victoria_Tait

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/vataitauthor/

Purchase Links – Amazon – B&N – Kobo – 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Thank you for hosting Tusk Justice on your blog.

  2. I really like the cover... the colors really pop. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wonderful article. Thank goodness some people out there are trying to protect these beautiful animals.


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