The Guy From The Internet



The Guy From The Internet
Birdie Song
Publication date: November 2nd 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

A sweet romance with a touch of family drama.

Holly Chee does not have her life together. She’s flip-flopped on uni courses and career choices, and somehow scared off her long-term fiancée-to-be, much to the chagrin of her immigrant parents.

But she does have her channel, where she livestreams her art from her one-bedroom Mount Lawley apartment. And she has that guy from France… assuming he’s even who he says he is.

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“I didn’t know Nick was engaged, jie,” Candy remarks over water filling the sink. At first, I pretend not to hear, but she nudges me. “Did you?”

“Yeah, I knew.”

“They haven’t even been together as long as you guys were. Are you still friends with him?”

“Not really.”

“How come?”

Oh, Candy… She has no idea. Inside, I’m busting to tell her the whole story, but the words are all tangled up inside me. She’s only fifteen. How can I possibly explain the mess that was my relationship with Nick? If she wasn’t so conscientious with the dishes, she’d see me standing here, mouth opening and closing like a fish, with a dirty fork still in my hand.

“It was too hard,” I finally manage. “Different schedules, you know?”

“Ugh, great… Now they’re wet.” She flicks water off the wrist and pushes the rainbow of yarn bracelets up her arm. She holds them up to her face and grimaces. “And they smell like prawn sambal.”

“Want help taking them off?”

“No, it’s fine. They’re already wet. Gross.” She takes my plate from me. “Why did you break up with him, jie? I thought he was really nice.”

“He, um…” Could I tell her Nick cheated on me with his now-fiancée? Even just pulling the thought together makes the back of my neck burn.

“Oh…” Candy drops the plate into the water. “You didn’t break up with him, did you?”

I won’t cry in front of my little sister. She doesn’t need to see that. My lips aren’t trembling and nothing pricks my eyes, but there’s tension in my face. I can feel it. It’s the ache that lets me know I shouldn’t try to speak, lest everything fall to pieces.

I shake my head.

She puts her hands on her hips and tilts her head. “Well, it’s his loss.”

Author Bio:

I write sweet stories about people falling in love.

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