The Madness of Mercury



The Madness of Mercury (Zodiac Mystery)
by Connie Di Marco

About The Madness of Mercury

The Madness of Mercury (Zodiac Mystery)
Traditional Mystery
1st in Series
Publisher: Suspense Publishing (October 8, 2020)
Paperback: 268 pages
ISBN-10: 0578752654
ISBN-13: 978-0578752655
Digital ASIN: B08K3JT8P1

San Francisco astrologer Julia Bonatti never thought murder would be part of her practice. But when a disastrous Mercury retrograde period hits, her life and practice is turned upside down, along with that of many of her colleagues who practice in the city. San Francisco has fallen under the spell of the Prophet’s Tabernacle, a religious cult that has descended upon the city. Reverend Roy, a Mercury-ruled, silver-tongued preacher offers a message of love and charity to the less fortunate, but Julia soon learns that the Reverend’s charity doesn’t extend to anyone who stands in his way. The Reverend is waging war on sin as he perceives it, targeting psychics, Wiccans, mediums, astrologers, gays, and anyone else he considers an abomination unto the Lord.

Driven from her apartment, Julia seeks shelter with her client and friend, Dorothy. Dorothy has separated from her spouse and is caring for her two elderly aunts at their home on Telegraph Hill. Dorothy’s aunt, Evandra, appears stricken with dementia and her other aunt, Eunice, has fallen under the spell of the Reverend Roy. When Eunice disappears, Julia’s sure that she is headed for Prophet’s Paradise, a supposedly idyllic community north of the city. Julia fears that Eunice is being misled and will be in danger. She determines to rescue Eunice and take on the Army of the Prophet.

Julia learns once more what she already knew –that Mercury wasn’t just the messenger of the gods, he was a trickster and a liar as well.

A word from Gale Hymson

Hi everyone ~ I’m Gale Hymson.  You’ll get to know all about me in the Zodiac Mysteries.  I’m the owner of the Mystic Eye occult bookshop.  I never thought when I opened my shop that I’d ever be dealing with problems like this!  Certainly not problems that would require an attorney!

You see, it all started with Julia . . . Julia Bonatti, my dear friend and astrologer extraordinaire.  Julia has a private practice of course, and she often fills in at the Eye when we have a psychic fair.  But on top of all that, she writes (anonymously) a very personal astrological advice column for the Chronicle.  AskZodia is an amazing column, very popular and always full of good advice.  

What happened is this – Julia received a letter from a woman who was very worried about her mother.  Her mother had joined a church that required she turn over all her money and property in order to become part of the congregation.  Julia was horrified when she read this woman’s letter.  She advised the woman to investigate this so-called church and look into ways she could protect her mother’s assets.  Believe me, she didn’t mince her words!  

Since then, Julia’s been harassed and literally driven out of her apartment.  Her life has been threatened and many of the occult practitioners in the city have been threatened as well.  Turns out some snake oil preacher, the Reverend Roy of the Prophet’s Tabernacle, has arrived in the city and managed to gather lots of influence.  He’s wooed the politicians and higher ups in law enforcement.  He’s brainwashed his followers and even has a TV show, if you can believe that.  He preaches love and compassion, but don’t you believe it.  Anyone who doesn’t agree with him or stands in his way . . . well, he’s out to silence them.  

We had a big meeting at the Eye and I’ve decided to do something about this.  My lawyers are looking into a class action suit in fact.  His followers even tried to destroy my bookshop!  I’m not going to tolerate this.  I’m furious and together we will put a stop to Reverend Roy and his Army of the Prophet!  Just you wait and see! 


About Connie di Marco

Connie di Marco is the author of the Zodiac Mysteries featuring San Francisco astrologer Julia Bonatti.  The Madness of Mercury, the first book in the series will be re-released in October 2020.

Writing as Connie Archer, she is also the author of the national bestselling Soup Lover’s Mysteries from Berkley Prime Crime.  You can find her excerpts and recipes in The Cozy Cookbook and The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook.  Connie is a member of Mystery Writers of America, International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime.

Social media links:

Facebook: (Connie di Marco Author)

Purchase Link – Amazon


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  1. The astrology concept lends itself for an exciting and interesting series.

  2. Thanks so much for hosting The Madness of Mercury today!


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