Fishing for Trouble

Fishing for Trouble (An Alaskan Diner Mystery)
by Elizabeth Logan

About Fishing For Trouble

Fishing for Trouble (An Alaskan Diner Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Publisher: Berkley (November 24, 2020)
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-10: 0593100468
ISBN-13: 978-0593100462
Digital ASIN: B085BW1KCK

Something fishy is going on at a local seafood processing plant, and Charlie Cooke is on the hook to solve the case in this new Alaskan Diner Mystery.

Summer has come to Elkview, Alaska, bringing twenty hours of sunlight every day, not to mention a surge of tourists and seasonal workers. Chef Charlie Cooke is eager for a busy yet relaxing season, but when a young man working a summer job at the local fish processing plant dies moments after walking into the Bear Claw Diner, she’s quickly swept into the investigation.

Soon, through her best friend Annie Jensen, Charlie learns that another student worker at J and M Processing has disappeared, leaving more questions and fewer answers. The near-endless sunlight gives plenty of time to search for clues, but Charlie will have to work with Annie and local reporter Chris Doucette to net the killer before anyone else gets hurt.

A Note from Annie

Most days I love my job. The inn that I own is in a beautiful part of Alaska, not far from Denali National Park. Some mornings I wake up to a gang of elk on my property, and once there was a moose. I stayed indoors for that one, and I made sure my cat stayed in, too. They can weigh as much as a horse—not my cat, but a moose with those huge antlers.

Best of all, I've been reunited this past couple of years with my BFF from grade school, Charlotte "Charlie" Cooke who also inherited her business from her parents, like I did. My inn, I mean. We used to walk to school together singing the old song, "North to Alaska." She runs the Bear Claw Diner, and I don't know what I'd do without her and her cooks.

Charlie is so much smarter than I am; she always has been but she doesn't lord it over me, even when my thoughts kind of run into each other, like they're doing here, and I lose track of my point. I get excited is why and I want to tell everything fast, before I forget or someone cuts me off. Charlie never does that. Hardly ever.

As soon as a tour bus lands in our little town of Elkview, I text her, Charlie, and order up a dozen or two or three of her delicious bear claws for coffee and I'm all set. Then we all head over in the bus for a full breakfast. Then the tour people head north to the park and the mountain, the one that used to be called Mount McKinley but is now just Denali, which is its original native name, and sometimes the bus goes even farther up to the aurora borealis. Fairbanks is up there, too.

Thanks to Charlie, I'm part of a team that helps our Trooper, Alaska State Trooper Cody Graham. The funnest thing a few months ago, there was a murder. That's not what was fun, of course, but the man who was murdered was Charlie's chief cook and Trooper was very busy as he always is because Alaska is not known for its large amount of cops of any kind. Ordinary cops or sheriffs or troopers. There just are not enough of them, so Trooper has to use civilians sometimes and since this victim, and the second one a few months later, too, both of them were associated with Charlie's diner so it was natural that we would help.

Here's what was fun: Trooper wanted to make things a little more official so he had us raise our right hands and swear to uphold the law in Mat-Su Borough, which is our borough, which stands for Matanuska-Susitna. So we said I do, and Trooper said we were now deputies and then Charlie said, "I didn't know this was a thing," and Trooper said "It isn't."

Good one, right?

The latest murder was pretty sad because it was a young guy who came to town to work in the fishing industry which, as you can imagine, is big around here. Lots of college kids come for the summer and fish from the boats or work in the processing plant. They make good money. I won't say any more in case Charlie would rather tell you herself.

Thanks for listening. I don't usually get to talk so much at one time. I like it! I can't wait to tell Charlie you let me tell the whole story. Except for the murders and who did them, but she's better at that. The best, in fact.


About Elizabeth Logan

Camille Minichino is turning every aspect of her life into a mystery series. A retired physicist, she’s the author of 28 mystery novels in 5 series, with different pen names. Her next book is “Mousse and Murder,” May 2020, by Elizabeth Logan. She’s also written many short stories and articles. She teaches science at Golden Gate U. in San Francisco and writing workshops around the SF Bay Area.  Details are at

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  1. Thanks for hosting my BFF Annie on this blog. She doesn't always get the attention she deserves. Love, Charlie Cooke, owner of the Bear Claw Diner, the best food in Alaska!


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