On Deadly Tides


  On Deadly Tides: A Penny Brannigan Mystery
by Elizabeth J. Duncan


About On Deadly Tides

On Deadly Tides: A Penny Brannigan Mystery
Cozy Mystery
11th in Series
Publisher: Crooked Lane Books (November 10, 2020)
237 pages
ISBN-10: 1643854682
ISBN-13: 978-1643854687
Kindle ASIN: B084V85BT8

With a picturesque black and white lighthouse, pebble beaches and stunning views of sea and mountains, the island of Anglesey off the coast of North Wales is the perfect place for an idyllic mid-summer painting holiday.

And watercolour artist, businesswoman, and amateur sleuth Penny Brannigan is enjoying the retreat enormously – until she discovers the body of a New Zealand journalist on a secluded beach just as the tide is going out, threatening to take the body with it.

The post mortem reveals the victim died from injuries “consistent with a fall from a great height,” and the death is ruled accidental. But Penny thinks there’s more to the story. Curious how the victim came to such an untimely end at this most inhospitable spot, she uncovers a link to a mysterious disappearance several years earlier.

And as her holiday romance with a wildlife photographer turns to love, she learns some truths about herself, too, that surprise her.

As the winds of change blow through Penny’s own life, she sets sail on a friendly tide for a future she never dreamed possible, in a beautiful place she never imagined.

A visit with Evelyn Lloyd from the Penny Brannigan mysteries 

set in North Wales 

by Elizabeth J Duncan

Bore da, as we say in Wales. I’m Evelyn Lloyd and I’ve been asked to tell you a little about myself and the town where I’ve lived all my life. 

Home for me is Llanelen, a market town in North Wales. Until my retirement, I was the town’s post mistress, and there wasn’t much went on in the town and around and about that I didn’t get to hear about. Of course, the post office is all changed now. People don’t send nearly as many letters as they used to, what with email and everything, but I still like to keep abreast of local news, just as I did back in the day when I was stood behind the counter in the post office. 

I’m a widow. I live in the house on Rosemary Lane I shared with my late husband, Arthur. It’s a pretty house, but a little too big for me, rattling around in it on my own, so a few years ago I invited Florence Semble to move in with me. We rub along nicely, the two of us, and I do enjoy her companionship. Did I mention Florence is a champion cook? Her raspberry jam is second to none and as for her baking! Well, my waistline can tell you all about that. 

Our main claim to fame here in Llanelen is the seventeenth century bridge spanning the River Conwy. With its three arches, the bridge is an elegant structure and we’re rightly proud of it. But over the past few years our town has acquired another claim to fame: murder. We used to have very little crime – and certainly no murders – until, oh, the past ten years or so. Why is that, I ask myself. And here’s something else that strikes me as peculiar – when these murders happen, Penny Brannigan isn’t far behind, asking questions and ferreting out the killer. Don’t get me wrong. I like Penny. She’s a Canadian, but she’s lived here for a long time and for all intents and purposes she’s one of us, except for her accent, of course. But when there’s a mystery to be solved, there she is … isn’t that what the police are for? Still, it’s the results that count, I suppose. And one more thing. Although she’s meant to be the star of this series, a protagonist I think it’s called, truth be told, I am our author’s favourite character.

People think nothing ever happens in towns and villages … but if they only knew what really goes on, they’d be shocked. And as for Penny, to be fair, she wouldn’t be nearly as successful in her sleuthing without my help. After all, I’ve got the local knowledge. And if all those years in the post office taught me one thing … there’s a lot of truth in the saying that old sins cast long shadows.

About Elizabeth J. Duncan

A two-time winner of the Bloody Words (Bony Blithe) Award for Canada’s best light mystery, Elizabeth J. Duncan is the author of two series: the Penny Brannigan mysteries set in North Wales and Shakespeare in the Catskills featuring costume designer Charlotte Fairfax. A former journalist, public relations practioner, and college professor, Elizabeth is a faculty member of the Humber School for Writers. She divides her time between Toronto, Canada and Llandudno, North Wales.

Author Links

Website: www.elizabethjduncan.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/elizabethjduncan

Twitter: @elizabethduncan

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  1. this book sounds like a fantastic read. Sounds interesting, intriguing, mysterious and like a page turner. Love book cover and excerpt. Would love to read and review the book(s) in print format. Love books like this.

  2. This looks like a great cozy mystery. Thanks for sharing!


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