Bride on the Run

Bride on the Run
Butterfly Harbor Stories Book 9
by Anna J. Stewart
Genre: Clean Contemporary Romance

Finding true love…

In the unlikeliest places!

Sienna Fairchild never imagined she’d be a runaway bride. Or that she’d stow away on a worn-down boat belonging to handsome tour operator Monty Bettencourt. Monty’s used to navigating rough seas, but Sienna might overturn his whole life, and avoiding drama is tough in such close quarters! If Sienna’s sure she doesn’t know what she wants, then why does running away feel so much like coming home?

A soft thunk overhead had his eyes shooting open. He waited, listening, and wondered if maybe Sienna had left her berth and was clomping around the boat. Except she didn’t clomp. With her injured foot, she barely walked. 

Another clunk, a hiss of pain and a muttered curse that was definitely a male voice had Monty throwing his legs over the side of the bed and pulling on his jeans. 

He shoved his phone into his back pocket, quietly headed to the door and pulled it open. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he found Sienna on the other side, hand raised to knock. 

“What are you doing?” he whispered. 

“I heard a noise.” She was still wearing the sweatshirt, only she’d changed into the shorts that proved what he’d already discovered. Sienna Fairchild had fabulous legs. “I thought it was you.” 

“Well, it wasn’t.” He quickly shifted places with her and pushed her inside. “Stay in here and lock the door.” 


“My boat. My rules.” Chances were it was a group of drunk teenagers looking to break some marina rules—at least, he hoped it was that harmless. Regardless, he wasn’t about to let anyone damage Dream. He waited until he heard the click of the lock on his door before he climbed the ladder and pushed open the hatch. 

The cool night air rushed over him as he stepped onto the deck. He stood still, listening, waiting for an indication of where the intruder might be. Sure enough, he heard the stumbling footsteps again. Beneath the glow of the marina’s lamps, he followed the shifting shadow along the aft and approached the dark figure, who was attempting to peer into one of the long narrow windows of the galley. 

It was the blond hair that gave Richard away. That and the pale, almost glow-in-the-dark skin. The idiot hadn’t even bothered to wear a cap. Monty might have laughed if he wasn’t so annoyed. He leaned down and picked up the docking poll, and held the metal staff securely in his hand as he moved in behind a crouching Richard. He tapped him once on the back of the shoulder. “I told you to stay off my boat.” 

Richard let out a sound that reminded Monty of a wounded seal. He stumbled, tripped and, after trying to find his balance, pitched straight over the side of the boat and dropped into the water. 

The splashing and swearing that ensued made Monty wonder if the guy even knew how to swim. 

“Grab hold of the dock, Richard,” Monty called. It had been pure luck Richard hadn’t landed straight on the planks and broken his back. Shaking his head, Monty pulled out his phone and dialed. “Hey, Chris. It’s Monty,” he said when the sheriff answered. 

“Monty? What the—? Do you know what time it is?” 

“I do indeed.” Monty watched as Richard tried, and failed, to haul himself onto the dock. The man looked like an inept octopus. “I’ve got a trespasser on my boat. Can you come get him and lock him up?

USA Today and national bestselling author Anna J Stewart writes sweet to sexy romances for Harlequin and ARC Manor’s Caezik Romance. Her sweet Heartwarming books include the Butterfly Harbor series as well as the ongoing Blackwell saga. She also writes the Honor Bound series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense and contributes to the bestselling Coltons. A former Golden Heart, Daphne, and National Reader’s Choice finalist, Anna loves writing big community stories where family found is always the theme. Since her first published novella with Harlequin in 2014, Anna has released more than forty novels and novellas and hopes to branch out even more thanks to Caezik Romance. Anna lives in Northern California where (at the best times) she loves going to the movies, attending fan conventions, and heading to Disneyland, her favorite place on earth. When she’s not writing, she is usually binge-watching her newest TV addiction, re-watching her all-time favorite show, Supernatural, and wrangling two monstrous cats named Rosie and Sherlock.  You can read more about Anna at her website,

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  1. Great cover, sounds like a good read.

  2. Such a fun concept for a story. The cover and title are a good fit.

  3. I love the cover and the story sounds like fun.


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