
by Giulietta M. Spudich
Genre: Middle-Grade Fantasy

A fire is coming. It starts with a girl and a key.

After her mother’s death, Clarissa doesn’t know how to connect with her distant father. Her only friend is an oak tree who she can tell her deepest secrets. When she discovers a mysterious key that unleashes a long-forgotten fire spirit, she must find her voice to protect those she loves.

"A delightful, fantastical tale of how oak trees and humans can be friends." -Dr. James Canton, author of "The Oak Papers"

**Get it FREE Jan 9th & 10th!! **

Giulietta M. Spudich enjoys writing everything from children's stories to grown-up fiction and poems in between. She lives in Cambridge, England where she moved from California in 2002. She is inspired by cats, especially her late black cat, Smokey.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Signed paperback of Clarissa with cat necklace – 2 winners!
$10 Amazon – 1 winner 


  1. The cover is beautiful. Love the pink moon and the silhouette look.

    1. Thank you so much! I love the cover- my publishers did a great job.

    2. I love the pink moon and silhouette too. My publishers did a lovely job. Glad you like it!

  2. I am so excited that you are on tour with this book. I looked over the other books you have written and find them interesting also. So glad that there is a cat included as her companion I was puzzled why someone elses book was put on our tbr list and not this book? I love the cover it is so unusual but so eye catching peggy clayton

    1. Thank you, I am glad the books appeal to you! I love cats and I am glad I could work Shadow into the story. If you read any of my books I would love to know what you think. Leave a review. I also sell signed copies from my author website


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