fISh OUt of WaTER


fISh OUt of WaTER An Ozarks Lake Mystery
by Marc Jedel

About fISh OUt of WaTER


fISh OUt of WaTER – An Ozarks Lake Mystery

Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Publisher: BGM Press
Number of Pages: 275

A small-town homicide. A community swamped in secrets. Can married amateur sleuths bait and capture the killer before the truth slips away?

Elizabeth Trout had escaped her rural Arkansas hometown. Compelled to sort through her deceased grandmother’s belongings, she and her new husband Jonas make an unexpected trip to the family ranch. But when the property manager turns up dead, Elizabeth is rocked when her ex-boyfriend-turned-deputy arrests her for the murder.

With incriminating evidence and the sheriff convinced he’s got the right suspect, Elizabeth and Jonas must fish for clues on their own. But with a multitude of potential culprits and her husband’s contrasting personality, Elizabeth fears she may be left dangling on the hook for a crime she didn’t commit.

Can these newlyweds net the real killer before Elizabeth is jailed for murder?

Fish Out of Water is the charming first book in the Ozarks Lake Mystery series. If you like quirky characters, clever twists and turns, and puzzling whodunits, then you’ll love Marc Jedel’s humorous tale.

Buy Fish Out of Water to reel in a slippery catch today!

Guest Post

Guest Post from Elizabeth Trout, protagonist of FISH OUT OF WATER: AN OZARKS LAKE MYSTERY (#1)

I hadn’t realized how far away I’d travelled until I returned to my hometown of Jenkins, Arkansas with my new husband, Jonas. (I still smile every time I use the word husband, but for some reason the word wife just makes me giggle.) I hadn’t realized there were so many Southern phrases that hadn’t crossed my lips in more than a month of Sundays.

Jonas was surely a fish out of water in Arkansas. He kept pointing out all the unusual sayings. At least he didn’t have a conniption when everyone kept making fun of his, oops, our last name of Trout. He is definitely the sweetest man, unlike some others, who will go unmentioned who think the sun comes up just to hear them crow. Not to mention a certain woman, whose name I don’t even want to think about, who thinks she’s finer than frog fur.

Getting accused of murder on that trip? Well, that was a fine how-do-you-do. At least Jonas sure kept his cool. When my ex-high school-boyfriend-turned-deputy arrested me, I thought he was just goofing around. Then I come to find out he was serious as a heart attack. If you thought I had a bee in my bonnet, you should have seen my mama. She was madder than a wet hen. Let me tell you, I needed a stay in prison like I need a hole in my head.

Fortunately Jonas and I managed to figure everything out before it all turned into a sufferfest. Things got a little heated in more ways than one, but Jonas stayed cooler than the other side of the pillow.

I’d explain further but I think Marc Jedel did a great job telling the whole story in FISH OUT OF WATER. Y’all really should go read it now. It’s a fun clean read with lots of twists, town secrets and an exciting race to the ending. Well, I’m just happy it’s all over now. 

FISH OUT OF WATER is the first book in Marc Jedel’s new Ozarks Lake Mystery series. I think it’s pretty cool of him to tell more stories about me and Jonas but I sure hope his other stories don’t involve me going to prison. I’ve heard the second book will be titled SWIMMING WITH THE FISHES. Plus, he’s still writing more books in his Silicon Valley Mystery series ( I haven’t read those but I hear they’re very funny. That doesn’t surprise me any as them Californians are strange folk, and none stranger than the protagonist, Marty.

About Marc Jedel

For most of my life, I’ve been inventing stories. Living in many places around the United States, including a lot of time in the South, has given me a particularly keen appreciation for those who feel like a “fish out of water” sometimes.

My writing skills were honed in years of marketing leadership positions in Silicon Valley. While my high tech marketing roles involved crafting plenty of fiction, we called these marketing collateral, emails and ads.

The publication of my first novel, Uncle and Ants in the Silicon Valley Mystery series, gave me permission to claim “author” as my job. And achieving Amazon Best Seller status gave me even better adjectives to use in front of “author.” This has led to way more interesting discussions than answering “marketing.”

Telling the stories in the Ozarks Lake Mystery series has given me an enjoyable opportunity to spend time with characters that somewhat resemble people I’ve known. Writing alternating chapters from the perspective of each spouse of the newlywed Trout couple allowed me to experience multiple personalities without getting a visit from mental health professionals.

Author Links 






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February 1 – Diane Reviews Books – REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW

February 1 – My Journey Back – CHARACTER GUEST POST

February 2 – I’m All About Books – SPOTLIGHT

February 2 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 3 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW   


February 4 – Literary Gold  – CHARACTER GUEST POST

February 4 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 5 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author Blog – SPOTLIGHT

February 5 – Here’s How It Happened – SPOTLIGHT

February 6 – I Read What You Write – GUEST POST

February 7 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW

February 8 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW

February 8 – Adventures Of A Travelers Wife – GUEST POST

February 9 – Mysteries with Character – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

February 10 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST

February 11 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT

February 12 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW, GUEST POST

February 13 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 14 – Brooke Blogs – GUEST POST


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  1. Thanks for hosting me today. Elizabeth is also pleased that you included her guest post. Fish Out of Water is only $0.99 for the e-book during this Great Escapes tour so it's a perfect chance for readers to try out this new series.


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