Forging Monsters


by Annie James

Literary thriller

A modern and beautiful Frankenstein's Monster fights for the right to carve her own destiny in the human world of New York City.

A talented young dancer tired of witnessing violent crimes against women go unpunished and takes matters into her own hands.

A young woman tries to escape her past in the anonymity of New York but finds out that she cannot escape the scars on her soul, which drives her to shocking acts of violence.

Watch for Forging Monsters Part 2, coming soon.


This body looks as if it has been chewed on--the edges of the throat lacerations are ragged and similar to a previous body that was brought in bearing the same type of teeth marks. A computer 3D model of the wounds on the second body, in front of me, determined the wounds to be made by the teeth of a large canine. However, The DNA test of the saliva left behind has been inconclusive.”

Dr. Violetta paused the tape recorder. “I have never seen anything like it,” she said to her assistant Andrew. “Take a look at the slide I have on the microscope. You’ll see.”

Andrew studied the cells on the microscope and wrote some notes in his typical scrawl that only he could read while Dr. Violetta started recording again.

Cells separated from a human body die in moments. These cells scraped from the saliva on this body’s wounds have continued to divide and multiply, indicating that the cells are still living. Also, the DNA strands continually rearrange their structure without any outside influence. This is why it has proved impossible to conclusively determine which type of animal caused the damage to this body.” She stopped the recorder.

This has to be kept out of the media,” she whispered, shaking her head in horrified disbelief.

"Where did this one come from?" Andrew asked, looking up from the microscope.

"He was found in Central Park."

About The Author

Annie is the author of the Tales of Origen series and several short stories. She lives in Kentucky with her husband and two fun-loving cats who inspired the feline characters Dirtbag and Scumbucket. She has an adult daughter who is also a writer, and a grandson. Her influences and favorite writers include:

Frank Peretti

Mary Wollencroft Shelley

Apryl Baker

Dean Koontz

Alexandre Dumas

Linda Joyce

Mary Ramsey

Lance Sheridan poetry

She has lived in New York and Louisiana and loves Cajun cooking. She has had several people tell her that she should open a restaurant, but she loves writing too much to make time for it—running a restaurant is a TON of work. She has an associate degree in Administrative Assistance, majoring in writing, and business administration.






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  1. This sounds very scary. Definitely something I would have to read during the day.

  2. Thank you for posting. I see you chose the excerpt from the prologue.

    I based Zee's character partly on Frankenstein's monster. In Mary Shelley's book, Victor Frankenstein created his monster from combining body parts, and in my book, Dr. Joseph Silva created Ze'Eva by combining DNA from five different donors.

    That's where the similarity ends though. I won't spoil it; people will just have to read the story to find out more.

  3. Hello everyone. I've posted character interviews on some of the other blogs. So far I have interviewed Jack Bradley, Ze'Eva Constantini, and Luigi Constantini. Which Forging Monsters character should I interview next?


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