Reading Challenge Check-In

Time to check in for a monthly accountability on the Reading Challenges I’m participating in

March came and went quickly for me. I feel as though I’ve dropped the ball on a lot of things. 

Here’s my March progress:

Alphabet Soup Challenge - I was aiming to complete a second round. I’m still chasing that elusive title for X.  There was also a Bonus keyword challenge attached for the month of March  that I completed.

Alphabet Soup Challenge - Author Edition - This was completed in February, but still working on a second round.

Craving For Cozies - 14 Cozy Mysteries read this month. I’m about halfway through the ‘Yearning’ category. 

Literary Escapes - I read a lot of books that didn’t have a definitive location, and a few that were repeat locations, but I have ‘visited’ these new locations during the month of March:





South Africa

Cloak & Dagger Challenge -  14 Mysteries that fit their rules (100 + pages or the book doesn’t count). I’m scratching the surface in the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ category.

Mount TBR - I only managed to read 5 books from my TBR.  I’m reading quite a few more ARC’s, and that’s slowing me down on this big climb. I’m nearing the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. 

Keyword Challenge - This is different from the Bonus Monthly keyword challenge attached to the Alphabet Soup Challenge.  The Challenge for March were the keywords “Dear, Ink, Mercy, Fly, Lost, Never, Match, True”   I chose Mercy as my keyword and completed the challenge with the book “Mercy & Mayhem” by Ava Mallory.

A Personal Challenge of mine is to track the number of pages read. So far this year, I have read 18,525 pages.

Overall, I read a total of 19 books in March, with a year to date total of 102. 

While March seemed to be a bit of a slow reading month for me, I’m doing far better than what I was reading this time last year. 

How are you doing with your reading challenges? 


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