With Love From Paris


With Love From Paris: Volume 6
Voyages of the Heart
Genre: Romance Anthology

Passion, adventure, secrets… the cities of the world are each filled with their own unique charm and allure. This season’s authors have taken up their pens to bring you another series of sensational stories destined to capture your heart and bring forth your emotions, one page at a time. So, pack your bags and join us once more on this Voyage of the Heart…

Our destination: Bienvenue à Paris!

Fashion… Food… Fantastique! Escape to the City of Lights, the City of Love as these talented authors lead you on a romantic journey. Stroll the boulevards and arrondissements… Soak up the magic and mystery of this ancient and historic city.
Broken dreams… Changed lives… Your hearts deepest desires await!

Grab your passport, your flight is at the gate! Voyages of the Heart: Paris is about to begin!

Contributing authors:
Aleisha Maree| Amy Cecil | Delaney Foster | Elias Raven | Gabriella Messina | Jade Royal | JA Lafrance
Katherine LE White | Leah Negron | Lilly Black | Lucas Black | Michelle Heron | Riley Bryant
Roux Cantrell | Thia Finn

**Only .99 cents until Apr 1st!!**

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$20 Amazon


  1. Paris is always a fabulous setting for a story. I like this cover.

  2. This looks intriguing. I love the cover.

  3. A series of short stories set in a particular city is such a good idea. Right now, it's the only way to travel.

  4. Sounds like a great way to travel in your mind, since the pandemic is still going on.

  5. This series sounds so interesting; different romances based in different cities!


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