Murder in Belgrave Square


Murder in Belgrave Square: A 1920s cozy mystery
(A Tommy & Evelyn Christie Mystery)
by Catherine Coles

About Murder in Belgrave Square

Murder in Belgrave Square: A 1920s cozy mystery
(A Tommy & Evelyn Christie Mystery)

Historical Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Publisher: INSPIRED PRESS LIMITED (April 30, 2021)
~200 Pages
Digital ASIN : B08T7MDJHN

Tommy & Evelyn Christie were hoping for a break from solving murders when they agreed to host Aunt Victoria and her daughters, Madeleine and Elise at their London home in Belgrave Square.

Recently widowed Victoria has returned from France for the London Season and to mend bridges with her estranged family.

None of them were prepared for the doubly shocking sight of a newborn baby and a dead body on the back doorstep of their imposing London residence.

Tommy & Evelyn face a race against time to solve the murder and the mystery of the abandoned baby before cousin Madeleine’s London Season is ruined.

A Word from Lady Emily Christie

Good evening everyone!

My name is Lady Emily Christie. I am pleased to be with you today. If you haven't met me before, I am one of the main characters in the Tommy & Evelyn Christie mysteries. I am certain that my great-nephew, Tommy, believes he is the most important character in the books. He is incorrect. If it wasn't for me and his wife, Evelyn, they wouldn’t have solved any of the mysteries they’ve been involved in.

I don't know why people underestimate women in our society. It is the 1920s now, after all! All men, without exception, underestimate the ability of women in small villages to know exactly what is going on with their friends and neighbours. Women can also ask questions men simply cannot get away with. In my 84 years, I have become quite adept at reading people—there’s nothing I haven’t seen, and it certainly helps that I am completely unshockable.

My favourite time is any time Evelyn discusses the current mystery with me. It is always done with a gin and tonic in hand. If we are feeling particularly rebellious, we ask our butler, Malton, to go heavy on the gin and light on the tonic.

We live in a small village named Hessleham, which is on the north-east coast of England. If you are at all interested, find Filey on a map, we live just to the south of that lovely seaside town. This beautiful old house has been in our family for generations. For years, I lived under the close supervision of my brother Edward. When he died his obnoxious son, Charles, inherited the house and title, the Earl of Northmoor. I will not spoil how things changed, and the title landed in darling Tommy’s hands, but suggest you look at the first mystery to find out for yourself.

In the most recent mystery, Murder in Belgrave Square, the family is in London for my great niece’s season. On our first night in the city, a man was found dead on the kitchen step. Next to his body was a newborn baby. I expected Evelyn to care for the child herself—which she does. The poor dear is so desperate for a child of her own, but she does not allow her emotions to get in her way of finding out who committed the deadly deed. As I’m sure you can tell, I admire her greatly.

On this occasion, Evelyn’s Gordon Setter, Nancy, is the one who finds the clue that leads to the murderer being uncovered. I complain about dog hairs all over the furniture at Hessleham Hall, but secretly I rather like Evelyn’s dogs. They are very intelligent creatures and seem to have better morals than most people! Is there anything humans won’t do for love or money?

Murder in Belgrave Square is full of jealousy, passion, the family duty and expectations that exist in upper class 1920s society, and of course secrets and lies.

About Catherine Coles

About Catherine: I’ve always wanted to be an author…or a songwriter…or a nurse…or a teacher…I never have been able to make up my mind J My working career is a testament to this. Over the years, I’ve worked as a legal secretary, a night carer, in a bar while I completed my law degree, a family law practitioner, a childminder, a foster carer, a home carer, a receptionist, facilitating car deliveries for online customers, and a PA/HR Manager. Now I am living my dream as a full-time author. Well…in truth…one of my dreams—a girl should never have only one dream! Catherine lives in the northeast of England where she shares her home with her children and two spoiled dogs who have no idea they are not human!

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  1. Sounds like a riveting mystery in an inspiring setting.

    1. Thank you :) I love the north east coast of England. It definitely helps that it's not far from where I live.

  2. Books sound like fantastic intriguing mysteries. Would love to read and review in print format. Love books like this.
    I look forward to reading your books and learning more about you. Love Mysteries and Cozy mysteries
    Hope I Win
    Thanks for chance
    Happy Mother's Day

    1. Thank you so much Crystal! Good luck!!

      PS If you are the Crystal who's contacted me via my website, I've answered, but it keeps bouncing :(


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