Treasure Most Deadly


Treasure Most Deadly (A Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast Mystery)
by Terry Ambrose

About Treasure Most Deadly 

Treasure Most Deadly (A Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
5th in Series
Satori (April 28, 2021)
Print Length: 265 pages

Seaside Cove amateur sleuths Rick and Alexandra Atwood are back!

Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast owner Rick Atwood is again called on to assist his friend, Chief of Police Adam Cunningham, with a murder investigation. The case seems straightforward enough. Clive Crabbe, who has a quick temper and a strong jealous streak, was found hunched over the victim after the man made advances toward Clive’s ex-wife.

A murder investigation is the last thing Rick wants right now. The B&B is booked solid. The town is inundated with tourists and news reporters chasing stories about treasure thieves. And Rick’s wedding to Marquetta Weiss is just weeks away. As if that wasn’t enough, Rick’s eleven-year-old daughter Alex is not only itching to help the cops solve another murder, but she’s forming an unhealthy friendship with a B&B guest.

As the murder investigation progresses, Rick realizes Alex’s new friend could be at the center of everything. The worst part is that Alex may be the one person capable of cracking the case.

Meet Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast owner Rick Atwood

Thanks for inviting me here today. Let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Atwood and I’m the owner of the Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast. Cool job, you might say, but I can’t really take credit for the career choice. I inherited the B&B from my grandfather, a man I only knew as Captain Jack, and only met a few times. My memories of Captain Jack are limited, but I do recall that he was a crusty old codger who scared me to death the first time we met. 

The truth is, I knew very little about Captain Jack or the B&B when I picked up my ten-year-old daughter Alex and moved her across the country. She wasn’t happy about leaving her friends and the big city of New York, but I had my reasons for relocating to a small town on the California coast.

I was a reporter on the crime beat in New York prior to inheriting the B&B. Because my wife wanted to be an actress, she was seldom home at night. As a result, Alex usually wanted to know where her mommy was. Let’s just say I didn’t have any good answers and tried to take her mind off our circumstances by having her help me with my news articles. We’d spend hours working at night and eventually Alex accepted the fact that mommy seldom came home. 

That’s why when I got word I’d inherited a bed-and-breakfast, I divorced my wife, picked up Alex, and moved across the country. What I didn’t realize when we moved was how many murders this town was going to see when an archaeologist discovered a four-hundred-year-old Spanish galleon off the coast.

I’ll be the first to admit that Alex broke through on one of those murder investigations. Okay, it happened more than once. But that doesn’t mean I have to condone her trying to be a preteen super sleuth. In some ways, life was easier when all I had to worry about were professional hitmen and crazy taxi drivers. 

These days, I’m a non paid consultant to the Seaside Cove Police Department. Alex sees herself as a junior consultant. I realize ours isn’t a traditional father-daughter relationship. On the other hand, maybe by the time she gets through sixth grade she’ll move on to something else. As long as it’s not playing the piano. I don’t think we’d have any guests left if I let her do that.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll say hi, and if you have questions about Seaside Cove, just fire away. As long as they don’t involve murder.


About Terry Ambrose

Once upon a time, in a life he’d rather forget, Terry Ambrose, tracked down deadbeats for a living. He also hired big guys with tow trucks to steal cars-but only when negotiations failed. Those years of chasing deadbeats taught him many valuable life lessons such as-always keep your car in the garage. Today, Terry likes fast, funny mysteries and cool photography. He writes the Trouble in Paradise McKenna Mysteries and organized an anthology to benefit Read Aloud America. He fondly likens his efforts to those of a blind man herding cats.

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  1. This sounds really amazing. Relocating across the country with daughter to run Grandpa Captain Jack's old B&B. Fabulous! All the rest, the 400 yr old Spanish Galleon discovery, him being a non-paid consultant to local police. It all sounds delicious.

    Thanks for a wonderful interview.

    1. Thank you for checking out Rick's interview and best of luck in the contest!


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