Breathe Deep


Breathe Deep
Cruisin' Around Series
by Kae Galla
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Humans are selfish and greedy beings…at least that’s what I thought. When my mate turns out to be half human, I’m forced to take a closer look and realize not all humans are bad.
How do I tell her she’s not merely a human? How do I teach her about a side of her she never knew existed?
Will she accept me and our connection? Or will I be left heartbroken?

My entire life I felt out of place. I knew my aunt was doing the best she could raising me, but deep down I knew there was more out there for me. I just had to find it.
Growing up a human, I never expected to find a mate. Heck, I never even knew merfolk existed.
Falling in love was easy. Accepting who and what I am? That’s the hard part.

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My name is KAE Galla and I've loved writing since before I knew how. I'd sit with my mom and grandma telling them exactly what I wanted my story to be, and they would write it down under misshapen scribbles I tried to pass off as art work. It wasn't until years later that I finally decided to go full throttle with my passion and share it with the world. Now, thanks to the support of my loving family, great friends, and an amazing team, my dream of becoming an author are reality. My heart is in Paranormal Romance, and Romance in general, but I love challenging myself and broadening my horizons so you can bet there is more to come!

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  1. A love story with paranormals sounds like a good book. I like the genre. Thanks for the chance.

  2. You got my full attention at 'half human'.

  3. I really like the character name, ARISTA


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