Murder at Sea Captain's Inn


Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn (A Book Magic Mystery)
by Melissa Bourbon

About Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn

Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn (A Book Magic Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Publisher: Lake House Press (July 20, 2021)
Approx 300 pages
Digital ASIN: B08GL19B84

Generation after generation of Lane women die in childbirth, while the sea claims the men.

Pippin Lane Hawthorne’s grand opening of Sea Captain’s Inn is tainted when a scholar studying the Lost Colony of Roanoke is brutally murdered. Like the black crow that hangs around the old house, could the untimely death be a harbinger of dark things to come?

When her twin brother, Grey, begins bucking the curse by risking his life in the waters of the Outer Banks, Pippin lives in terror that he’ll be the next Lane male to be swallowed by the sea. Now she must use her gift of bibliomancy to save her brother, solve the murder, and end a two thousand year old pact.


A word from Jamie McAdams

Hey y’all. My name is Jamie McAdams. I’m the co-owner (with my Grandad, Cyrus McAdams) of The Open Door Bookshop in Devil’s Cove, North Carolina.

I have two daughters. They are my life. They’re named after literary characters (Heidi and Mathilda). I’m divorced—probably the best thing that could have happened, even if it means my girls come from a broken household. 

I didn’t intend to be, but I have become one of the most important men in Pippin Lane Hawthorne’s life. Another is her twin brother, Grey. I don’t know her well, but she loves my daughters, and they love her. I’ve also been helping her with a few historical mysteries that have arisen in her complicated life..

History is my thing. I’ve got a doctorate in Medieval Irish Literature, plus a few other degrees. I guess you could say that education is also my thing.

When I first met Pippin, I was instantly intrigued. She didn’t read, yet came into The Open Door and picked up The Odyssey. Since then, Heidi has made it her mission to get Pippin reading. They are in a little book club of two. I didn’t know about Pippin’s bibliomancy then. Now I do, and her connection to books makes more sense. I admit, I’m fascinated by the divinity. 

Come visit The Open Door on the island of Devil’s Cove. I’ll introduce you to a few good books.

About Melissa Bourbon

Melissa Bourbon is the national bestselling author of more than twenty-five mystery books, including the Book Magic mysteries, the Lola Cruz Mysteries, A Magical Dressmaking Mystery series, and the Bread Shop Mysteries, written as Winnie Archer. She is a former middle school English teacher who gave up the classroom in order to live in her imagination full time. Melissa lives in North Carolina with her educator husband, Carlos. She is beyond fortunate to be living the life of her dreams. Learn more about Melissa at her website,, on Facebook @MelissaBourbon/Winnie ArcherBooks, and on Instagram @bookishly_cozy.

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