The Company of Stonemasons


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Graham Williams will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The summer of 1545 and there’s murder in the Cathedral of Chichester. An honest family of stonemasons heads to the city to repair the building only to find the massive spire is in danger of collapse and they’re walking into a plot to steal taxes from King Henry VIII.

Stonemason’s teenage sons, Edward and the artistic prodigy, Adam hear stories of the Chichester diamond, buried somewhere in the cathedral and start their own search, not knowing the powerful evil that surrounds them.

A true thriller, filled with danger and humour, stonemasons working at terrifying heights and amongst all the friars and priests, who can they really trust?

Read a sample from the book on Amazon:

About the Author:
Being retired, I have the time now to write and tell stories. I am registered as blind, and I am profoundly dyslexic, and I rely on the wonders of technology to bring out my stories, and to live. I spend many hours walking around London, as this is where I find most of my inspiration from. The places; sounds and smells of the city, I have a love for. To know one's history is to know one's self. I hope you enjoy them.

Amazon Author Page:

Buy Link:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for hosting! Readers, the author asked us to share with you that, because he is blind, there may be delays in responding to questions. But he is looking forward to them. Thanks!

  2. There is a lot to love here. A fascinating glimpse back in time.

    1. Thank you for this comment and your support of my book

  3. Greetings Its is the Author of the book before you .
    firstly I would like to thank the host for hosting my book. Thank you very much.
    and I would like to thank them who spw and interest on my works and those who kindly read my book,
    I welcome any comments or questions you may have,

  4. Interesting new book, best wishes to your tour.

  5. This sounds like a great read and one I would enjoy reading.

  6. Happy Friday! Thank you for sharing your bio and book details, I love the cover and synopsis and I am looking forward to reading the book. Do you have any reading or writing plans for the weekend?

  7. I love the cover. I adore old buildings and would love to be able to investigate that cathedral. Sounds like a great read.

  8. Your story sounds intriguing.

  9. I enjoy mysteries set in the far past, since they often provide some real information about various frequently unknown historical facts.


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