Big Wild Love Adventure


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a digital copy of the book to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

After being ditched at the altar, Emmy Shaw’s heart, like her dented food truck, is definitely not open for business. Deeply in debt to her parents and evicted from her apartment, she takes a friend’s drunken dare and fills out an application for a new dating-adventure reality show. She never expects to be chosen—or to get a chance at the show’s huge cash prize, which could put her life back on track.

But when she’s abandoned in the middle of the jungle two months later wearing only a bathing suit and a backpack, she questions if being on the show might be even worse than the #emmytrashtruck hate brigade she left back home. Then she meets her fellow cast members—including sexy, inscrutable Wes—and starts to reconsider, wondering if maybe money’s not all she stands to gain from this experience.

After a year of abysmal failures, this summer of cave treks, jungle hikes, impromptu talent shows, and a sexy flirtmance turns out to be just the thing to help Emmy rebuild her shattered confidence. She signed up for the show to hide from the mess her life had become, but this escape from reality might be just what she needs to find herself.

Read an Excerpt

Night fell while we were getting dressed, and the pool area has been decorated with flaming tiki torches and fairy lights, their glow reflecting on the surface of the water. It’s still hot but there’s a light breeze, and this far out in the jungle, the sky is pitch black and a million stars twinkle. Now that I have a second to breathe, the true enormity of my situation settles on me like a lead blanket. I’m here. I’m doing this.

The men are lined up opposite, dressed in shorts and linen trousers, tees and button-ups, smiling like they’re excited for whatever’s about to happen. It’s cliché, but everyone appears to be here for the right reasons, and I’m not. I’m not looking for love; I’m not ready for it. My humiliating heartbreak was less than a year ago, but I haven’t come close to dealing with it. All I want is to get my business back up and running, and if it means selling my soul for a few episodes of free advertising, then that’s what I’m going to do. There’ll be no “vibing” with anyone. And, to be honest, it’s hard to believe any of those men would vibe with me when I’m standing next to seven women who appear to have come straight from the Victoria’s Secret runway. I have wet hair and flip-flops and bug spray is leaking out of my pores.

All of a sudden, everyone starts to clap. I have no idea why, but I start clapping too, glancing around as I try to find the source of inspiration. Slowly, a grinning man in a bright white shirt and yellow shorts approaches from the field, making eye contact with every single one of us, which takes forever.

“Hello, adventurers!” He speaks with an Australian accent and never stops smiling. We keep clapping. “I’m your host, Kip Kendall. Welcome to the jungle.”

About the Author:  

Julianna Keyes is a Canadian writer who has lived on both coasts and several places in between. She’s been skydiving, bungee jumping and white water rafting, but nothing thrills—or terrifies—her as much as the blank page. She loves Chinese food, foreign languages, baseball and television, though not necessarily in that order, and writes sizzling stories with strong characters, plenty of conflict, and lots of making up.

When not helping characters fall in love, she sometimes kills them in thrillers and suspense stories written as Elaine Murphy


Buy links:

Barnes and Noble

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