Guardian's Legacy


Guardian's Legacy

The Last Princess of Latara Book 3

by Darren Simon

Genre: YA Epic Fantasy Adventure 

Fourteen-year-old Charlee Smelton is a Guardian, a path forced upon her by fate. She’s come to accept

this fact after fighting to save Earth, the world she thought was her home, and the magical world of

Janasara, the true home of her bloodline.

But the fight is not over.

Once more, Charlee must stand against not only her great aunt, the sorceress Theodora, but also an

ancient evil—the Brotherhood—seeking to be reborn and to conquer worlds. If she is to save the

universe, she’ll have to put her faith in the last person across the dimensional divide she would have

turned to for help—a person who knows the truth about the cursed medallion that calls to Charlee.

A war is coming, and her very soul is on the line

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Guardian's Return

The Last Princess of Latara Book 2

A month has passed since fourteen-year-old Charlee Smelton discovered her magical abilities and faced her great aunt, Theodora, in a life or death struggle to protect Earth. A month has passed since she tricked Theodora back across the dimensional gateway that brought Theodora to Earth. Since then, Charlee—now fully aware that she is part of a noble bloodline from another world…another dimension…has grown stronger in her magic, aided by her protector, a shapeshifter sent to Earth to protect her.

But the terrible dreams won’t stop.

Theodora lives, and if Charlee’s dreams of death and fields of spilled blood are true, her great aunt has avenged herself on that world across the dimensional divide.

Charlee knows what she must do. The fight is not over. She must travel across the gateway to the home of her ancestors and face Theodora one more time. But doing so may cost Charlee more than her life. The same medallion her great aunt desires so much—a medallion Charlee possesses—could make her just as evil as her great aunt.

Can Charlee stave off the twisted tendrils of the medallion long enough to defeat Theodora—for good—or will evil consume her? Can she even survive so far from home? Her only hope may rest in the Lord of the Dragons, but that beast turned his back on her grandfather long ago…

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Guardian's Nightmare

The Last Princess of Latara Book 1

Charlee Smelton is an average thirteen-year-old girl struggling to adapt after her family moves to San Francisco. She thinks her biggest obstacle is facing the bullies who brand her a nerd and a dweeb. She’s wrong. Her life is about to change—for the worse.

First, she receives a gift of the ugliest, most old fashioned bike she has ever seen. Try as she might to ditch it in the city, she just can’t seem to escape that very mysterious two-wheeler. Then come the visions of a world across a dimensional divide, a princess in fear for her life and a dark knight pursuing her. Are they just dreams or something more?

For Charlee, everything she ever thought she knew about herself soon crumbles as she starts down a path to discover her true self, and she will need that hunk-of-junk bike more than she could ever imagine. Without it, she might not be able to find the hero in herself—the hero she must become to save her friends, family, her city—the world—from an evil only she can defeat. An evil she allows into this world.

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Like many writers, my journey to become an author began with a love of reading, and I have my grandmother to thank for that. When I was eight or nine, she gave me a paper bag filled with comic books from the 1960s and '70s. Comics became a big part of my life. I would save my weekly allowance to buy the most recent editions of Batman and Superman. Then, growing up in the '80s, I began to read Choose Your Own Adventure books from the world of Dungeons & Dragons. And that led me to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. But my path to become a writer was firmly set after I saw the movie Ghostbusters in 1984, just prior to my freshman year of high school. I was in awe the way the writers came up with words that made people laugh so hard, and I knew right then I wanted to write. I immediately went home and wrote my version of Ghostbusters II. More importantly, I took journalism in high school, and continued to study journalism in college. After a wonderful career as a newspaper journalist, and a secondary career as a college English professor, it was time to rekindle my love for fiction. I knew I wanted to write fantasy, like Tolkien, and I wanted to write for middle grade and young adult readers to inspire them the way I was inspired by the books I read. I hope young readers--and even older ones--enjoy my work. Thank you for checking out my author page, and keep reading, no matter what you love to read. To learn more about me and my writing, visit my website at

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  1. Lovely cover. Sounds like a great fantasy read for YA and us older fogies lol. Looking forward to reading.

  2. I have really enjoyed reading Darren Simon's book series 'The Last Princess of Latara'.

  3. Happy Friday! Thank you for posting about Guardian's Legacy, I like the cover art and synopsis and I am looking forward to reading this book and series

  4. These all sound like great books and ones that I would enjoy.

  5. Sounds like a good book to read.


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