Cal Devney

GENRE:  Children's Fiction

Solving this mystery could change everything...

From the deep ocean to a secret doughnut-shaped reef, Zoom and Stephen must confront their fears and find the clues they need.

This time Zoom and Stephen have their friends with them. But will it be enough when it comes time to face their greatest enemy?

Enjoy an Excerpt:

‘I don’t know Zoom. I’ve also been thinking about some of the creatures that live in the deep dark ocean, and some of them aren’t very friendly,’ Stephen fretted. 

Before Zoom could respond, Tuxta, who had been listening in, answered while nodding enthusiastically, ‘Stephen, you are absolutely correct! There would be a lot of animals in the deep ocean that would want to swallow the pair of you whole.’ 

Stephen spluttered. ‘Just us? What about you, Tuxta?’

Tuxta confidently pulled out the stinging jellyfish tentacle and waved it in front of them. Zoom and Stephen jumped back, instinctively reacting to the paralysing tentacle. ‘I have my secret weapon.’ 

Zoom moved away from the tentacle. ‘Yes, we know about your weapon,’ he responded. ‘It is very effective at discouraging animals from coming near you.’

Stephen giggled, ‘Yeah, we weren’t at all scared of you at first because of your teeny tiny body, until you pulled out that tentacle.’

Tuxta huffed and said gruffly, ‘As I recall, you raced away like chickens. Puk Puk Pukaaak!’

Stephen frowned at the little jungah, his brow coming down over his eyes. Zoom cleared his throat. Wanting to change the subject, he said, ‘I just love how the sun rays come through the water like the sun has been broken into long rectangles.’ 

Without really looking where Zoom was pointing, Stephen responded huffily, ‘Yeah, neat.’ He cast Tuxta a cranky look. 

Zoom, Stephen and Tuxta swam silently for several minutes. Then Tuxta whispered, ‘Look out! There is something coming ahead of us that will be wanting to eat you two.’

My Thoughts:

The Dithereens is a fun Children’s Chapter book. The characters really bring the story to life, and I enjoyed getting to know them as the story progressed. Zoom is a clumsy seabird, and along with his best friend Stephen are friends and allies with plants at a nursery in the Great Barrier Reef. The plants want their help in finding out why sea creatures are attacking their land.

Action packed and full of adventure, this book will hold your child’s attention and take them on a wonderful imaginary trip as Zoom and Stephen encounter a variety of sea creatures. The book is not a difficult read, but it is geared toward a middle graded reading level. Younger children will enjoy having the story read to them.

I really enjoyed this book. My rating: 5 out of 5

About the Author:

Director & Author Innovator

Cal Devney is an educator, innovator and children’s book author. She has worked in primary, secondary and tertiary education, specializing in science and digital technologies teaching. Cal’s stories are kooky, fun and creative, but mostly based on sound science principles… aside from the made up characters and the magic that is!

At Blue Sea Books, we are re-imaging reading in the 21st Century context by bringing emerging technologies into the children’s book publishing ecosystem. We are passionate about using innovation to engage, entertain and enliven young minds in new ways.










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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Marcy. We are glad you like it. The illustrations in the book are also gorgeous. The illustrator, Veronika, is very talented.

  2. A "secret doughnut-shaped reef" sounds intriguing.

    1. Hi Mary - Agreed! This habitat is real. Scientists have recently discovered the doughnut bioherms which are also called the Halimeda Bioherms. There is a lot of fun science in The Dithereens... and kids won't even realise they are learning science.

  3. This sounds like an amazing story. I love the cover!

    1. Thanks Jeanna! Please feel free to check out our website: or visit us on Instagram or Facebook.

  4. Thanks Literary Gold for hosting The Dithereens! We hope your readers like hearing about this kooky adventure.

  5. This looks like a great novel. Thanks for sharing and hosting this tour.

  6. This look and sounds like a wonderful book.


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