I Am a Runner

I am a Runner:
The Memoirs of a Sepsis Survivor
by Maria Papalia-Meier & Pamela Ackerson
Genre: Inspirational Memoir

You’ll never be able to run again.”

From running half marathons to being the sickest person in the hospital, Maria Papalia-Meier fought the river of death, and won.

Life changing moments, amputations, and negative thoughts refused to keep her down. With her rock-hard stubbornness, positive self-empowerment and persistence, she grabbed hope and unflinching faith to face the life handed to her. Her story offers an honest, tough-love approach to defeating pre-determined opinions, and self-imposed limitations. She refused to give up or give in.

Maria Papalia-Meier is a runner. She has awoken stronger…better.

This is her story.

**On Sale for only $2.99 until July 16th!!**

Maria Papalia-Meier is a fighter. She may have been KO'd, and down for the count, but she proved them wrong. I am a Runner is about surviving sepsis, a coma, and amputation. Maria has a BBA with an emphasis in Human Resources, and has worked for Fed-Ex for twenty years. As an athlete she has many accomplishments. Before her battle with the river of death she'd competed and ran in multiple 5K’s. She was told she'd never run again. She proved the naysayers wrong. Her athletic accomplishments include running in a 5K, and a 1/2 Marathon. 

Wife, mother, author, and time traveling adventurer. Born and raised in Newport, RI where history is a way of life, Pamela Ackerson now lives on the Space Coast of Florida, a hop, skip, and jump from Orlando, where imagination and fantasy abounds. With the love of reading, she graduated to writing non-fiction, historical fiction, time travel, and children's preschool/first reader books.

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  1. My daughter survived sepsis as a baby in Poland. She is doing well now.

    1. I am so glad she's better now. It's a terrifying disease/infection. One of the biggest reasons why we decided to write the book was to spread the knowledge and help people be more aware. Knowledge can save lives!!

  2. This has a nice cover. Sounds like a great Inspirational read

    1. Thank you. I think Dora Gonzalez did an awesome job!

  3. Sounds like a great inspirational read. I also faced "never walk again" and am now on one crutch. This book is one I would read.

    1. Thank you! I'm awe-inspired by Maria and everything she went through to get to where she's at! She's training for the Boston Marathon. How awesome is that?

  4. The cover is okay, but all the fades and overlays make my eyes spaz out a bit.

    1. Sorry to hear that. I'll say something to Dora (graphic artist). Perhaps she can do something different where is doesn't bother some people's eyes.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I do like the cover. It draws my eyes in to examine the background detail.

  7. This sounds like an inspiring story.

  8. This sounds like such an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing your story & spreading the word!


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