Tinsey Clover by Chelsea Flagg

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Tinsey Clover
by Chelsea Flagg

GENRE: Middle Grade

Tinsey Clover is smart. She’s brave. Also, she can’t carry a tune to save her life. Oh yeah, plus she's an elf the size of a chipmunk. When her bizarre magical power grows in and makes her feel like a total outsider in her own village, Tinsey sneaks into the forbidden forest on a journey to find someone more like her. From trolls to dragons, what she discovers along the way challenges everything, and everyone, she thought she knew.

A coming of age story for early middle grade fans of Sarah Mlynowski, Kate DiCamillo, and Chris Colfer.

This is my gift? I’m so confused. And tired. Did I seriously just gain the ability to snap my fingers and summon cleaning tools into existence? What a crock. I mean, shouldn’t I at least be allowed the gift to not sound like a really upset seal whenever I sing a note? I can’t imagine anyone in the history of ever actually getting excited about my new, strange magic. I scan the circle and notice every single eye staring at me in utter awe. I take that back. Ninety-nine-point-nine percent of the trealfurs in this circle look in complete astonishment over this. Want to guess who makes up the point-oh-one percent of trealfurs who isn’t getting a kick out of this whole situation? That’s right: Me.

So, why am I the one who gained this bizarre power? I glance around the circle again. Everyone’s looking back at me like I just turned into a two-headed walrus or something. Two minutes ago, people were shooting daggers out of their eyes at me like I was the scum of the earth, and now, here they all are, acting like I'm the most amazing creature to ever walk the face of the planet.

“Do it again,” one of the trealfurs urges in a loud whisper.

A few others nod their heads in enthusiastic agreement. It’s clear they all want to see what other sparkly new cleaners I can make appear out of nowhere. I really don’t want to test it out anymore, but a tiny voice inside my head wonders if maybe, just maybe, this “gift” is actually a fluke. I mean, I did hit my head pretty hard when I rolled off that fox. What if that knocked things loose a little bit? I cross one set of fingers behind my back and hope that’ll work to help my wish come true, then close one eye before snapping my other set of fingers again. Please just be a big mistake, I think. Unfortunately, it’s not. Another broom appears in a cloud of sparkles just like the last one, and falls to the ground with a clatter.

A round of applause ripples through the council circle. I bury my head in my hands.

How unlucky can one girl get?



I loved reading about Tinsey Clover and her magical adventure. This story is perfect for the middle grade reader. Tinsey defies her parents and leaves their section of the forest and learns that life is not as it has been portrayed by her peers and family. A heartwarming story about doing the greater good and appreciating everyone for their differences.

I received a copy of this book from the author. Thank you, Chelsea Flagg, for the kind gesture.  

Chelsea was born and raised in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, where she spent countless hours writing stories. Mostly about cats.

In 2015, she published her first book: a quirky memoir for adults called I'd Rather Wear Pajamas that talks all about the journey through her young adult life that led to her becoming an author. It was an Amazon #1 best seller for five straight days and continues to elicit full belly laughs from its readers.  

After the birth of her children, Chelsea shifted her writing to the kidlit world. She’s thrilled to share her newest baby: Tinsey Clover.

Chelsea lives in Boulder with her husband and three practically perfect daughters. Unfortunately, she doesn’t own any cats.


Q & A  with the Author

When and Why did you begin writing?

I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. Back in second grade, I’d bring in little stories I’d written (mostly about cats) to my classroom and beg my teacher to let me read them to the class. Things didn’t stop there. I wrote my first novel in middle school, although I sadly never published it. My life continued along and I fell into the trap of people telling me writing was a worthless occupation. I bounced around from job to job, and always found myself gravitating toward the writing piece of any project. Finally, I took the leap and allowed myself to really call myself a writer. I haven’t looked back once.

What inspired this book or series?

TINSEY CLOVER is the story of a little elfin girl in the Icelandic Bungaborg Forest. She feels frustrated because her corner of the forest isn’t allowed to leave or interact with anyone else. Using her great math skills, some quirky magic, and some unlikely new friends, Tinsey goes on an adventure to learn that sometimes things aren’t quite what they seem.

I knew I wanted to write an adventurous tale with a strong, relatable protagonist for young Middle Grade Readers. I mean, there are so many awesome MG books out there, but not as many for a younger audience who aren’t reader for the sad, complex, or scary elements a lot of fantasy books contain.

I just thought a story about a spunky little girl rising above stuff like that to make a difference in her own life would be a breath of fresh air. An inspiration that all kids can be a little light, no matter how small they are.

Are you at all like your main characters?

Very much so. A fan asked me recently which of my three daughters was my inspiration for Tinsey. The answer? None of them. I’m the inspiration for Tinsey. She’s me and I’m her, which made capturing her voice so natural.

Who is your favorite character in your book and why?

Obviously, I’m really connected to Tinsey, but most of my readers love Sky, who’s a fluffier-than-life little bunny who’s pretty nonchalant and seems like he couldn’t care less, but really, he saves the day more than once.

Who is your least favorite character in your book and why?

This is like asking who my least favorite child is... it’s an impossible question to answer, because all the characters are my babies. Even the bad guys, you know? Of all the characters, though, I guess I’d say it took me the longest to really capture Judder’s essence. He’s this giant, strange-looking troll with a heart of gold. It was hard to get him to come across as endearing and, well, troll-like, without him sounding dumb or something.

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